As we enter 2010, there’s a lot of good news on the gun front. The big story over the last 12 months, and one that will likely continue into this new year, was the massive sales of guns and ammunition. Shooters like us were stocking up in anticipation of some classes of firearms eventually being outlawed by the Obama Administration. That hasn’t happened yet—but there 288 are ominous signs on the horizon. l To wit: U.S. Rep. Todd Tiahrt wrote the Wichita Eagle newspaper on Dec. 6 to respond to what he called a “smear campaign” about a gun-rights law that bears his name. “It comes as little surprise that liberal political bloggers, along with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, continue to heap criticism on the Tiahrt amendment. Now permanent law, the Tiahrt amendment protects the privacy rights of legal firearm owners and ensures that undercover agents and their investigations are not compromised. “Protecting the privacy of law-abiding citizens by preventing a national firearm registry, while at the same time ensuring law enforcement officers have all necessary resources to combat terrorism and crime, is the balance the Tiahrt amendment strikes. But don’t expect to hear this anytime soon from those on the left who want to expand the reach of the federal government.” l And this: Before the Senate Judiciary Committee on November 18, Attorney General Eric Holder revealed a stunningly broad and aggressive anti-gun agenda, according to a release from the Law Enforcement Alliance of America ( The LEAA said that Holder revealed his support for a national gun owner registration scheme and authorizing the government to ban firearm possession for any person by merely adding that person’s name to the terror watch list. The LEAA said that Holder wants new federal authority to prohibit any person on the federal watch list (reported to be 400,000 names) from buying guns and supports confiscating guns from those on the list who possess them. l Wait, there’s more: FNH USA’s Five-seveN handgun has received scathing and largely erroneous coverage in media reporting about the Ft. Hood shooting. To counter those reports, FNH USA had to issue a “fact sheet” debunking the reports. According to the fact sheet, “… the Five-seveN pistol has been mischaracterized by some as a new firearm which shoots armor-piercing ammunition.” The FNH USA document continues: “To be clear: armor piercing ammunition can be shot from any firearm; and is only available to law enforcement agencies and military organizations through official procurement procedures regulated by BATFE. FNH USA … cannot sell armor-piercing ammunition on the commercial market. There are no exceptions to this federal prohibition.” How will the rest of 2010 work out for gunowners? Stay tuned. GT