We promised GT readers an update on the A- grade we gave the Savage 30-06 AccuStock reviewed in the June issue. Last month, we said, “The Savage 111FCNS 30-06 Springfield was easy to use, comparatively comfortable to shoot, easy to 166 operate and easy to shoot well.…” But the grip cap fell off the gun—leaving a gaping hole—which didn’t affect function, but which certainly affected our perception of the gun’s quality. We added that, “We’d buy this Savage; it very much deserves and gets this A-. If we get the stock resolved satisfactorily, we’ll let you know and bump that up to an A.” Test team leader and writer Randy Wakeman reports that Savage Arms was contacted less than two weeks ago, and this is the company’s response from Joe DeGrande, director of customer service for Savage Arms: “Randy: We are proud of who we are and what we make. If it is something we have done wrong, we will make it right. Has the firearm been returned to Savage? If so, the stock will be replaced, the firearm tested on the range, and then shipped back to your attention. If not, as soon as it is received, we will follow that same procedure. To fully understand what happened, the stock will be evaluated by Quality and Engineering and then sent to the supplier for their analysis.” 288 Wakeman reports, “The firearm was already en route to Savage; we received it back in less than two weeks after we shipped it off. Savage Arms turned around the gun within 48 hours, returning it to us with the new stock—replacing the the original AccuStock that suffered a cracked pistol grip cap with no hesitation. Along with the Savage range evaluation report, a test target of five 100-yard shots was included that measures 1.1 inches with Sierra 168-grain boattail hollowpoint bullets.” Wakeman concludes, “Thoroughly impressed with Savage Arms’ initial responsiveness and rapid turn-around, as we promised—this A- graded rifle is now properly awarded an A. As impressed as we were with the rifle initially, we are left with even more confidence due to the exemplary, hassle-free customer service demonstrated here by Savage Arms.” GT To read up-to-date information on product introductions, gun-liberty issues, and 288 the latest outrages foisted upon us by gun-grabbing political lackeys, log on to our sister site, GunReports.com.