Magpul Industries used its website on Jan. 2 to announce that the company is relocating its operations to Wyoming and Texas. The company is relocating manufacturing, distribution and shipping operations to Cheyenne, Wyoming. Magpul is leasing a 58,000-square-foot manufacturing and distribution facility during the construction of a 100,000-square-foot build-to-suit facility in the Cheyenne Business Parkway. The Wyoming relocation is being completed with support from Governor Matt Mead, the Wyoming Business Council and Cheyenne LEADS.

Magpul is moving its corporate headquarters to Texas. Three north-central Texas sites are under final consideration, and the transition to the Texas headquarters will begin as soon as the facility is selected. The Texas relocation is being accomplished with support from Governor Rick Perry and the Texas Economic Development Corporation.
Magpul made the decision to relocate in March 2013 and has proceeded on an aggressive but deliberate path, said Doug Smith, chief operating officer for Magpul Industries. These dual moves will be carried out in a manner that ensures our operations and supply chain will not be interrupted and our loyal customers will not be affected.
The company began a nationwide search for a new base of operations after legislation was enacted in Colorado that dramatically limits the sale of firearms accessories – the core of Magpuls business. Magpul plans on initially transitioning 92% of its current workforce outside of Colorado within 12 to 16 months and will maintain only limited operations in Colorado.
Moving operations to states that support our culture of individual liberties and personal responsibility is important, says Richard Fitzpatrick, chief executive officer for Magpul Industries. This relocation will also improve business operations and logistics as we utilize the strengths of Texas and Wyoming in our expansion.
Magpul leaving is a big economic hit for Colorado, and its part of a continuing trend of companies leaving anti-gun states for gun-friendly states. Who can blame them? And who will be next? Beretta has said it has ruled out moving from Maryland to Virginia because Terry McAuliffe, a Clinton toady, was just elected governor. Remington is purportedly looking at vacating its upstate New York plant, possibly for a move to Tennessee.
In support of Magpuls moving announcement, I just logged on to Brownells and ordered five more green AR Magpul magazines. And I am pleased to say, welcome to your new home, boys.GT