Springfield Armory Model 2020 Rimfire 70217 22 LR


Shooting 22 LR bolt-action rifles keeps you grounded. They are affordable to shoot often because ammo costs a fraction of what centerfire ammo does and lacks the noise, muzzle blast, and recoil. Not only is shooting a 22 rimfire inexpensive and fun, it also helps build a solid base in rifle-shooting technique, from trigger control and breathing, to judging distance and reading the wind. Three new target-style 22 LR bolt actions that we thought would be fun to shoot were the Springfield Armory 2020 Rimfire, Savage’s B Series TimberLite Thumbhole, and the Hammerli Arms Force B1. All of these rifles were recently introduced and are said to provide performance and accuracy. The common characteristics of these three rimfire rifles are the 22 LR round, manually operated bolt actions, detachable rotary magazines, and they are optic ready. From there, the features start to differ.

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Robert Sadowski
Having been trained by many top-shelf handgun, shotgun, AR carbine, and long-range shooting instructors, Robert Sadowski brings a user's perspective to Gun Tests. He has authored and edited 15 books on firearm values, firearm disassembly and assembly, and gun guides. His Book Of Glock (Skyhorse Publishing) debuted as an Amazon #1 New Release and is a must-read for the Glock enthusiast. His latest book, 9MM - Guide to America's Most Popular Caliber (Gun Digest Books), is an indispensable resource on the 9mm and understanding the cartridge's performance for concealed carry, home defense, or competition. Over the past two decades, Sadowski has written for many magazines and websites, including tacticallife.com, range365.com, shootingillustrated.com, personaldefenseworld.com and more. His print work has appeared in Combat Handguns, Ballistic, Real World Survivor, Guns Digest, Guns of the Old West, SHOT Business, and more. He is currently the Treasurer/Secretary of the Glock Collectors Association. After receiving an MA from New York University, he worked for a number of magazine publishers and advertising agencies. Sadowski is a lifelong hunter, competitive shooter, and native of Connecticut. He now lives in North Carolina to take full advantage of our 2nd Amendment privilege.