Gun Tests is the consumer resource for the serious shooter.

In each email, you will receive unbiased and on-target evaluations of today’s most-wanted production handguns, rifles, shotguns and shooting accessories as well as book and subscription offers to help you shoot better.

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We put hundreds of punishing rounds through each gun.

Our editors are on the range and in the field as often as they are in front of their computers. We don’t just write about guns. We fire them. Field strip them. Load them. Reload them. And fire some more. And we’re not satisfied ‘til we harvest real data on muzzle velocity and group size. Our range work is meticulous, detailed, and rigorous.

And then we tell it like it is.

In Gun Tests, you get the facts and recommendations needed to make intelligent, careful and confident buying decisions. Because it’s your money… and your life… we steer you clear from bad guns and ammo.

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