New York Gun Laws
If you’re looking to obtain a legal firearm in New York, here are some things about the permit process you should know:
New York is now a shall-issue state. There are two types of handgun permits. One type is a have-and-possess license, also known as a premises license, that authorizes the license holder to possess a firearm at a certain location such as their home or place of business. The other is a have-and-carry-concealed license also called a concealed-carry license that allows the license holder to carry a pistol or revolver on their person. A New York concealed-carry license is issued at the local level by the county sheriff or court system. All permits are valid throughout the state, except in the City of New York, unless validated by the police commissioner of that city. A New York Pistol License (NYPL) applicant must be 21 years of age. A permit to purchase, a background check and firearms registration are required to buy a handgun from a private individual in New York. Private sales must be processed by a licensed firearms dealer. It is illegal to possess an unregistered handgun. A New York Pistol License is not valid in the five counties that make up New York City.
Is there a waiting period to buy a gun in New York?
There is no specific waiting period to buy a firearm, but to purchase a handgun a person must obtain a license to possess or carry a handgun, which may take up to six months.
Do handguns need to be registered in New York?
Yes. All handguns need to be registered in New York. There is no registration for long guns.
Is a permit required to purchase a handgun in New York?
Yes. A permit is required to purchase handguns and semi-automatic rifles in New York. A permit is not required in New York to buy shotguns or non-semi-automatic rifles.
Who is eligible to obtain a New York Pistol License (NYPL)?
Any New York state resident who is at least 21 years of age can apply for a New York Pistol License (NYPL).
Is firearms training a requirement in New York for a New York Pistol License (NYPL)?
Yes. In some jurisdictions in New York a handgun-safety course is required.
What are the requirements to obtain a New York Pistol License (NYPL)?
Applicants for a New York Pistol License (NYPL) must:
- Be at least 21 years old
- Be a legal resident of the United States
- Reside, or have a business around, the local area where you are applying
- Complete an approved handgun-safety training course
- Have four character references
- Disclose adults and children residing in your home
- Conduct an in-person interview
- Pass a National Instant Criminal (NICS) Background Check
What are the steps to obtain a gun permit in New York?
To obtain a New York conceal carry handguns permit or New York Pistol License you need to download a state application and a form for your county on the New York state website In Upstate New York, apply to the county court through the office of the court clerk, county clerk or sheriff. In New York City, Nassau County and most of Suffolk County apply to the police commissioner. In eastern towns of Suffolk County, apply to the sheriff. You will be fingerprinted when you submit the application. A permit is issued within six months but processing times vary by county.
- Compete a handgun-safety course.
- Download an application and county form, and complete the forms
- Go to your county sheriff or courthouse to submit your application along with two passport-style photographs.
- A background check will be conducted by New York State and the FBI, and you will be interviewed by local police.
- Your application will be submitted to either a licensing judge, police commissioner or sheriff for consideration.
How much does a New York gun permit cost?
A New York gun permit costs start at $20 in certain New York counties, but fees. A New York City handgun license is $340.
Does New York recognize pistol permits from other states?
No. New York does not honor concealed-carry licenses from any other states.
Is New York a Constitutional Carry state?
No. New York is not a Constitutional Carry state.
Is New York an Open Carry state?
No. New York prohibits any state resident without a New York Pistol License (NYPL), over the age of 21, from possessing a handgun without a valid license.
Is New York a Stand Your Ground state?
No. New York is not a Stand Your Ground state. State law imposes a duty to retreat.
Are AR-style and other semi-auto rifles legal in New York?
No. New York has banned certain firearms which the state defines as “assault weapons.”
Are standard-capacity magazines allowed in New York?
No. The maximum magazine capacity is 10 rounds in New York.
Does New York have gun-storage laws?
Yes. New York gun-storage law requires that a gun be locked in a safe storage container that is incapable of being unlocked without a key or combination lock, or the use of a trigger lock when the firearm is not carried or under the immediate possession or control of the owner, if the owner lives with someone who is under 16 years of age.
Is New York a Red Flag state?
Yes. New York has a red-flag law that allows police, district attorneys, family or household members, and school administrators or their designees to petition a court to have an order of protection issued to a person to remove their firearms, suspend any firearm license, and prevent them from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotg