Nevada Gun Laws

If you’re looking to obtain a legal firearm in Nevada, here are some facts about Nevada gun laws.


Nevada Gun Laws

 If you’re looking to obtain a legal firearm in Nevada, here are some things about the permit process you should know:

Nevada is a shall-issue state with concealed-carry permits issued at the county level. Any resident of Nevada at least 21 years old can apply for a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) license in Nevada.

 Is there a waiting period to buy a gun in Nevada?

No. There is no waiting period to buy a gun in Nevada.

 Is a permit required to purchase a gun in Nevada?

No. A permit is not required to purchase a firearm in Nevada.

 Do you need to register handguns in Nevada?

No. Handguns, rifles and shotguns do not have to be registered in Nevada.

Who is eligible to obtain a Nevada Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit?

Any Nevada state resident at least 21 years of age, or 18 years old in the military, can apply for a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit.

Is firearms training a requirement in Nevada for a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCP) permit?

Yes. Nevada requires a Carry Concealed Weapon permit applicant to complete an approved firearms-training course.

What are the requirements to obtain a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit in Nevada?

Applicants for a Nevada Carry Concealed Weapon permit must:

  • Be at least 21 years old
  • Be a legal resident of Nevada
  • Meet federal law requirements
  • Complete an approved firearms-training course

What are the steps to obtain a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit in Nevada?

  1. Complete a concealed-firearms-qualification course with a live-fire component from a certified firearms instructor.
  2. Download or pick up an application from your local county sheriff’s office. NOTE: Do not sign the application after you fill it out. You need to sign the application in front of a witness at the sheriff’s office.
  3. Take the unsigned application and your firearms-training certificate, proof of residency, proof of citizenship, and fee to your local county sheriff’s office. You will be fingerprinted and photographed at the sheriff’s office. You will be notified if your application is approved.

How much does a Nevada Carry Concealed Weapon permit Cost?

The fee for a Nevada Concealed Carry Permit is $100.25. A renewal costs $62.25.

Does Nevada recognize concealed carry pistol permits from other states?

Yes. Nevada honors permits from other states that meet specific criteria.

 Is Nevada a Constitutional Carry state?

No. Nevada is not a Constitutional Carry state.

Is Nevada an Open Carry state?

Yes. Open carry is legal in Nevada. Anyone 18 years of age and older who can legally possess a firearm may openly carry anywhere in Nevada. However, there are public areas that are off limits to open carry.

 Is Nevada a Stand Your Ground state?

Yes. Nevada is a Stand Your Ground state. There is no duty to retreat before defending yourself.

Are AR-style and other semi-auto rifles legal in Nevada?

Yes. Magazine-fed semi-auto rifles are legal to buy and possess in Nevada.

Are standard-capacity magazines allowed in Nevada?

Yes. There are no state laws restricting magazine capacities in Nevada.

 Does Nevada have gun-storage laws?

Yes. The gun-storage law in Nevada makes it a crime for a person to allow a child access to a firearm.

Is Nevada a Red Flag state?

Yes. Nevada has a red-flag law that authorizes a family or household member or a law-enforcement officer to file a verified application to obtain an ex parte or extended order against a person who poses a risk of causing personal injury to himself or another person. This prevents a person from possessing or having a firearm under his custody or control, or from purchasing or otherwise acquiring any firearm.

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Robert Sadowski
Having been trained by many top-shelf handgun, shotgun, AR carbine, and long-range shooting instructors, Robert Sadowski brings a user's perspective to Gun Tests. He has authored and edited 15 books on firearm values, firearm disassembly and assembly, and gun guides. His Book Of Glock (Skyhorse Publishing) debuted as an Amazon #1 New Release and is a must-read for the Glock enthusiast. His latest book, 9MM - Guide to America's Most Popular Caliber (Gun Digest Books), is an indispensable resource on the 9mm and understanding the cartridge's performance for concealed carry, home defense, or competition. Over the past two decades, Sadowski has written for many magazines and websites, including,,, and more. His print work has appeared in Combat Handguns, Ballistic, Real World Survivor, Guns Digest, Guns of the Old West, SHOT Business, and more. He is currently the Treasurer/Secretary of the Glock Collectors Association. After receiving an MA from New York University, he worked for a number of magazine publishers and advertising agencies. Sadowski is a lifelong hunter, competitive shooter, and native of Connecticut. He now lives in North Carolina to take full advantage of our 2nd Amendment privilege.


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