House Committee Could Cite
Holder for Contempt


( — The Associated Press is reporting that the House Oversight Committee is preparing a 48-page Contempt of Congress citation against Attorney General Eric Holder in ongoing Fast and Furious gun-running investigation.

There are conflicting reports, and a citation could still be avoided in the Justice Department changes its stands and produces documents sought by the committee.

The committee has subpoenaed nearly two dozen categories of documents on the Fast and Furious operation, but no documents have been produced from a dozen of those categories.

Chairman Darrell Issa confirmed the document’s existence in a Fox News interview.

In the Fast and Furious operation, U.S. agents hoping to track illegal weapons allowed hundreds of guns to flow from U.S. gun shops in Arizona into Mexico and the hands of Mexican drug cartels. Two of the guns were later discovered at the scene of the killing of a U.S. Border agent.


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