Biden & Harris Announce Additional Actions to Restrict Gun Ownership Rights


In a September 26 announcement, the Biden-Harris administration is pushing more radical gun-control policies as the 2024 election draws closer.

Their latest executive orders go after law-abiding gun owners by targeting self-built guns and 3D-printed firearms and banning common semi-automatic rifles.

“It is a false choice to suggest you are either in favor of the Second Amendment, or you want to take everyone’s guns away,” Harris said during an East Room event. “I am in favor of the Second Amendment and I believe we need to reinstate the assault weapons ban.”

Also, the administration’s “Emerging Firearms Threats Task Force” is doubling down on Biden’s attempts to strangle the firearms industry by repealing gunmakers’ legal protections.

Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America (GOA), said, “The White House just made a huge mistake by reminding gun owners of the vice president’s radical, gun-grabbing agenda with the election a mere month or so away. Vice President Kamala Harris just claimed responsibility for each infringement — every banned gun and part — by ATF in the last four years.”

Randy Kozuch, executive director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, said the announcement was “just one more attempt by the Biden-Harris Administration to deflect attention from their soft-on-crime policies that have emboldened criminals in our country.”

Biden and Harris also want to impose red flag gun confiscation laws nationwide by funding states to strip citizens of their firearms without due process.

Aidan Johnston, GOA’s director of federal affairs, said, “Kamala Harris is weaponizing the ‘enhanced background check’ for young adults into a tool for gun confiscation. If an existing gun owner goes to purchase a new firearm legally, the government may ‘red flag’ them instead and seize their currently owned firearms in the process. This could chill new gun purchases.”

The Sept. 26 executive order is loaded with anti-gun provisions, including:

  • Using “red flag” laws to disarm potential gun purchasers when running an “enhanced background check.”
  • Making $135 million available to states to pass and implement “red-flag” gun confiscation laws and expand “enhanced background checks” for the purposes of building state firearms registries.
  • Demanding that states create carveouts to state privacy laws to disclose records about minors to the federal government, all for the purpose of extending the unconstitutional wait periods on adults under-21 trying to buy a gun.
  • Creating a task force to demonize 3-D printing and homemade firearms.
  • Demanding that Congress ban so-called “assault weapons” and bump stocks; pass mandatory “safe-storage” and federal “red-flag” gun confiscation laws; and expand background checks to build the ATF’s gun owner registry.



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