The Black View on Heller


Media reports about the Heller decision almost always paint it as an angry white male political victory, but a blogger named “lunchcountersitin” says black Americans have their own viewpoints on Heller:

History and time have a way of telling cruel jokes. So it is with the recent Supreme Court decision overturning the restrictive gun ban in Washington, DC.

When black folks were outmanned and outgunned during the slavery, Reconstruction and Jim Crow eras, various Supreme Court decisions left blacks defenseless against a tide of white terrorism. But now that black communities are awash in a wave of black on black crime, the Supreme Court accepts and rules on a case concerning the right to bear arms.

In a timeline of the history of blacks and guns, he details how often Congress has stripped blacks of the right to bear arms throughout U.S. history, and how the D.C. gun ban disarmed law-abiding blacks—who make up the majority of D.C. residents.

The Black View on Heller.


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