John Lott, Jr.: Gun Debate Is Hardly Over


John R. Lott, Jr. recently wrote on, “The Supreme Court may have confirmed that Americans have the right to own guns for protection, but the gun debate is hardly over. The District of Columbia, whose handgun ban was struck down by the Supreme Court, is still planning on banning most handguns.”

He goes on the write that the court decision has “spurred the media into overdrive to paint guns as dangerous to their owners.”

No one who has taken even a quick glance at the crime data can seriously argue that the D.C. gun ban lowered murder or violent crime rates.

But the twist this time, Lott said, is that “concerns being raised are not the threat from criminals, but that guns pose a risk to their owners. In particular, buying a gun and having it in your home is said to increase the likelihood of suicide.

To read the entire piece, click John Lott Gun Law Debate Update


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