Double Disgrace: Helen Thomas is Winner Of 2010 Sarah Brady Visionary Award


( — The NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action reports this item you won’t see on regular media:

On May 18, the Brady Campaign held a big shindig in Washington, D.C., to give this year’s “Sarah Brady Visionary Award” to now-former Hearst News Service White House reporter Helen Thomas.

In accepting the award, Thomas vilified the U.S. Supreme Court for declaring the Second Amendment to protect an individual right to arms, and vilified the Armed Forces for fighting the war on terrorism.

“The inept Supreme Court has found a way for all individuals to have a right to have a gun,” Thomas griped. “No Guns! What planet does the Supreme Court live on? . . . We’re living in an era when we send robots halfway around the world to kill people in their own country, and no one asks why. Let’s never give up hope that we can control deadly guns in this country.”

Before Thomas accepted the award, Brady Campaign president Paul Helmke read a statement from President Obama, who said, “Helen Thomas will always hold special place in my heart.” Sarah Brady called Thomas “the finest journalist of our generation.”

Mrs. Brady may wish to revise and extend her remarks, however.

Thomas’s moment of adulation was brought to an abrupt halt on June 7, when Thomas resigned in disgrace for having said that Jews in Israel should go back to Germany or Poland, where millions of unarmed Jews were imprisoned in concentration camps and, ultimately, murdered by the Nazis.


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