Boston Tea Party 2008 Staged by Gun Owners’ Action League


The Massachusetts Gun Owners’ Action League will mark the ten-year anniversary of the signing of the state’s 1998 Gun Control Act on July 23, 2008. It has marked the upcoming anniversary by outlining what it calls the “Decade of Disaster” that resulted from the passage the law, officially known as Chapter 180 of the Acts of 1998.

GOAL said, “It is no secret that these ill-conceived laws have done nothing to reduce crime or violence, instead the opposite is true. The erosion of our rights as citizens and the ever increasing violence on our streets is proof positive that change is needed.”

To mark the ten-year anniversary, GOAL is urging its members to ask legislators for reform of or outright repeal of Chapter 180 by sending a note to state local legislators, along with a tea bag.

GOAL said, “July 23, 2008 will be known as the Chapter 180 Boston Tea Party 2008. Our forefathers dumped tea into Boston Harbor to protest unfair taxes. So too will you be protesting the unfair treatment we all receive as lawful gun owners.”


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