Arsenal Firearms’ New Double-Barrel 45


( — The AF2011-A1 Double Barrel Pistol is the first industrial double-barrel semiautomatic pistol that the staff can recall.

The original idea came to Swiss armourer Vivian Mueller about ten years back, who at the time cut and welded together multiple parts of the famous Sig P210. The result was a long slide, double barrel 9mm, highly decorated collector piece, which indeed shot very well.

Then Arsenal Firearms took the idea further: to commemorate the legendary Colt 1911-A1 by making a true industrial market-ready double barrel .45 caliber pistol. The gun can be handled by any shooter able to shoot with 45 ACP. Arsenal says the AF2011-A1 will group all 16 bullets (two fired at a time) held in the duplex, 8-round single columns magazines in a target of the size of an orange at 15 yards and in a watermelon at 25.

The stopping power of the AF2011-A1 is tremendous: 2 bullets for a total of 460 grains weight hitting 1 to 2 inches apart.

The AF2011-A1 obviously features a number of very special parts, such as the single slide, the single frame, the single spur double hammer, the single grip safety, the single body double mainspring housing and the single double cavity magazine floor plate, the long and double magazine latch, the special barrel bushings and the hold open lever and side lever safety with long shafts.

But the most interesting feature is the interchangeability of most internal parts, which come as standard 1911 replacement parts. These include the firing pins, the firing pins plates, the sear groups, the triple springs, the inner parts of the mainspring housings, the recoil springs and recoil springs rods, the magazine bodies and inner parts, the sights (including after market adjustable sights) the grips and grips screws and bushings.

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