
President Biden’s Truths

After the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a joint resolution to nullify the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) rule that...

Getting In Depth in Reviews

Online Is a Blessing Dear Mr. Woodard, even two years ago, if you had said you were putting more material online than in the paper...

Bits and Pieces

There are so many things going on in the gun world these days, it’s hard to dial in and focus on just one thing....

How About Three 380 Pistols?

380 Lineup, Thank You I just received the May 2023 issue. Nice as usual. I would very much like to see the new Ruger Security-380...

Color Me Skeptical

A press release on the PR Newswire said, breathlessly, “Biofire Announces World’s First Smart Gun® Secured by Fingerprint and Facial Recognition.” Will this smartphone...

Too Late to Leave Illinois? Nah.

Reader Walter asks about his home state’s recent gun-ban law. Yeah, it’s a doozie. Reader Ron wonders if we might “Equalize” an upcoming test with a Walther PDP. And more lever-action reviews?

His Makarovs Are Just Fine

Re: Firing Line, January 2023 I was surprised to find the negative comments about the 9x18mm Makarovs. Specifically, the safety becoming loose and actually falling...

Gun News

Update: The BATFE filed its Final Rule on stabilizing braces in the Federal Register on January 31, 2023. Per the website, that means,...

My Shot is Off: How To Sight in a Gun and Other Tips

Most firearms manufacturers test their product before it leaves the factory, but that doesn’t mean they sight it in. What do you need to...

What Does Single-Action Mean?

Many shooters who’ve been around the block a couple of times will immediately know what “single-action operation” means, but some new shooters might not....

No Pain or Pinching with Max

Re: Firing Line, February 2023 Todd, I have owned and fired the original LCP and also the LCP II. When the LCP Max became available...

Hello, Fellow Felons

If you haven’t heard yet, be advised that millions of gun owners may soon be classified as felons if a new Bureau of Alcohol,...

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...