
Here’s Another 22 Mag Snubbie

Re “22 Magnum Snubnoses from Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Taurus,” April 2021Your April 2021 issue didn’t include my newest, slickest, snubnose 22 Magnum. It...

Gun Takeaway Sweepstakes

If you have read this space for the last couple of issues, you’ll recall that I’ve asked what my fellow gun owners believe would...

Gun-Rights Rino Rollover Candidates

Last issue, I asked for your thoughts about what gun legislation might be forthcoming from the Biden Administration, and some of your comments appear...

Something Bad Comes Our Way

Re “Downrange, President Joe Biden and Guns” March 2021 Something for gun owners to consider: The incoming administration has gun control near the forefront of...

Have We Tested MechTech?

Reader Stephen wonders if this conversion unit is worth a look. We thought so a few years ago. Reader Michael asks for a follow-up report on the CVA Cascade 350 Legend. And we’re on it.

President Joe Biden and Guns

You’ll recall that in the October 2020 issue, I cut-and-pasted almost all of then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s gun-regulation plans listed on his website, with...

Throwing Shade on Lugers?

Re “Dufflebag Guns: We Test Four Shootable Older 9mm Pistols,” December 2020 Dear Todd, upon opening my mailbox and finding my December Gun Tests, I...

Something Odd Just Happened

On December 23, 2020, Marvin G. Richardson, associate deputy director (ADD) of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE), withdrew the “notice...

Tested the Ruger LCP II 380?

Re Ruger LCP II 380 ACP Review? Dear Sirs: Have you ever tested/reviewed/compared the (newer) Ruger LCP II Pistol in 380 ACP that was introduced...

Important Safety Recall Notice

Smith & Wesson has identified two M&P Shield EZ Pistols on which the hammers manufactured by the company’s supplier were cracked. In those firearms,...

How About Some Hot Rounds?

Re “10mm Stompers: SIG, Colt, S&W, and Springfield Armory,” September 2020 Todd, I found this review of 10mm pistols interesting and informative. I came close...

Cut The Fat, Not The Meat

At this magazine, we do something that a lot of other magazines and websites do — recommend firearms that our readers might like to...

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...