
News of the Day

According to, three of Wall Street’s biggest municipal-bond underwriters have seen business grind to a halt in Texas after the state enacted a...

How Are Things in the Gun Biz?

Re “Are 32 Magnums More Mousy Than Mighty for Self Defense?” August 2021Thank you for answering my request with issue No. 8 of this...

Welcome, First-Time Gun Buyers

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the firearms industry trade association, surveyed firearm retailers recently, and estimates that more than 3.2 million people purchased...

Do We Still Sell Test Guns?

Re Gun SalesIt seems to me that some time ago you folks sold your test guns somehow. Does this still hold true, and if...

Russian Ammo Ban Is Here

Well, no surprise, it looks like the Biden Administration is trying its best to choke off a major supplier of inexpensive ammunition to the...

More Tips for the Older Shooter

Re “Tips for the Older Shooter,” March 2020Good article, but I’m slightly surprised that you didn’t mention any of the tip-up-barrel guns like the...

He Said The Quiet Part Out Loud

During a July 21 town hall event on CNN, President Joe Biden was addressed by a member of the audience who posed a set-up...

Miller v. Bonta Decision

Click the link below to see the entire Miller v. Bonta decision referenced in the August 2021 Downrange editorial. gov.uscourts.casd.642089.115.0_1

Reader Rec: RIA 9mm 1911

Re “9mm Single Actions: Tisas, Ruger, and Citadel Compete,” June 2021Just an FYI.  Some seven years ago, my wife and I signed up for...

A Fantastic Decision for the AR-15

The Miller v. Bonta gun-rights decision is a couple of months old now, but it’s a stem-winder that does not fail to inform and...

Lever-Rifle Safety Concerns

Re “Lever-Action Big-Bore Rifles: We Test 45-70s Head to Head,” May 2021To the editor: Some years ago I wrote to alert you of the...

Supremes Rule 9-0 Against RI Gun Grab

It is rare to see the Supreme Court unanimously rule on anything, but especially something having to do with firearms. But that’s just what...

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...