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Firing Line 03/98

Beretta Tomcat
I have just read Downrange in the December 1997 issue and have subscribed to Gun Tests for several years. You deserve the highest marks available for objective testing. I, too, recently bought a new Beretta 3032 Tomcat after a year's wait. I was shocked to read that Beretta admits its Tomcat has a 1000-round service life. I purchased this gun (my first Beretta product) because of its size, caliber and manufacturer reputation. I shoot quite often and most certainly would not have bought it had I known its limitations.

This, however, is not my only problem with the gun. So far, I have put 150 rounds of ball and Silvertip ammunition through it. The ball feeds fi...

Take A Hard Look In The Mirror

Are you doing everything you can to promote firearms safety? Penalty for non-compliance could be your right to bear arms.

Recent incidents where gun-toting youths shot, killed or injured their classmates leave us all shocked and bewildered. Nothing, ever, can justify the taking of innocent life and our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

As tragic as these incidents are, random shootings also impact legitimate firearms ownership. It’s not too far a reach to suggest that a public groundswell of anger and grief over these senseless acts could have a negative impact on your second amendment freedoms. Could the revulsion we all feel over these crimes spark the...

What’s New

Here is a very brief mention of some new guns coming up that we’re sure will be of interest. Watch for ‘em at your dealer and in Gun Tests.

Colt’s will soon be into production with their double-action-only Z40, a semiautomatic pistol design made in close conjunction with CZ of Czechoslovakia. The new Colt Cowboy single-action revolver is also coming along. Colt will also continue to offer the original Single Action Army, but some industry insiders seem to think Colt should stick with just their original SAA and figure out how to make it the old way, for a better price. Colt dropped the DS-II in .38 Special, one of which we tested for this issue. The new .357 Magnum version looks just the...

What’s New

Here is a very brief mention of some new guns coming up that we’re sure will be of interest. Watch for ‘em at your dealer and in Gun Tests.

Colt’s will soon be into production with their double-action-only Z40, a semiautomatic pistol design made in close conjunction with CZ of Czechoslovakia. The new Colt Cowboy single-action revolver is also coming along. Colt will also continue to offer the original Single Action Army, but some industry insiders seem to think Colt should stick with just their original SAA and figure out how to make it the old way, for a better price. Colt dropped the DS-II in .38 Special, one of which we tested for this issue. The new .357 Magnum version looks just the...

Firing Line 07/98

In your recent article comparing the Colt, Smith & Wesson and Ruger .22s, it was noted that the Colt was probably the first choice. Except for the fact that they have moved the magazine release over to the other side, did anyone stop to consider it as a clone of the old High Standard Duramatic? What that means is a good design is still a good design, even if resuscitated by another company. Putting it another way, what was once the most inexpensive pistol in the High Standard line is still a good shooter when compared to some of the newer guns today.

Also, the Peltor Tactical 7 was being sold recently by Dillon for a substantially lower price than you quoted — s...

Firing Line 06/98

Precision Reloading
Congratulations to whoever wrote your piece on precision reloading in your February, 1998 issue. I've been reloading, testing, shooting (bench, silhouette, etc.) and reading about this stuff since 1958 and this is the best summary of reloading procedures I have ever seen.

The last two paragraphs are especially useful. What "works" in one rifle may be a waste of time in another—indeed may cause problems in accuracy, functioning, safety, etc. This has been demonstrated in many experiments I have done (such as cartridge straightness, neck tension, etc.). Each gun set its own "rules."

Jim Nitsos
Arroyo Grande, CA

Chipmunk Rifle

Rex Applegate Passes

Col. Rex Applegate died in San Diego on 14 July, 1998, of a stroke complicated by pneumonia. He was 84. Many of you may not be aware of Applegate’s immense contributions to the firearms industry and to shooters. A brief discussion here can’t cover them all, but we can touch the highlights.

During World War II, Applegate was responsible for setting up the combat training for the U.S. OSS (Office of Strategic Services). The OSS eventually became today’s CIA. During that war, Applegate trained in England with Commandos and Special Operations forces. He went on combat operations with them on the Continent, without the knowledge or approval of his U.S. superiors. What better way to learn a c...

What’s New

Freedom Arms is about to bring out a five-shot .45 Long Colt revolver based on their very successful small-frame gun, first chambered as a six-shooter for the .357 Magnum. We understand Freedom is considering chambering the .475 Linebaugh in their full-size guns, now that Buffalo Bore Ammunition offers both loaded ammunition and components for both the .475 and .500 Linebaugh cartridges. If you want a Freedom in .475 Linebaugh, call ‘em at 307-883-2468 and let ‘em know.

Buffalo Bore Ammunition also offers some very interesting loads in .45 Long Colt and .44 Magnum, in addition to their Linebaugh ammunition. Both labeled “HVY,” and featuring either cast or jacketed bullets, these are hot-l...

What’s New

Freedom Arms is about to bring out a five-shot .45 Long Colt revolver based on their very successful small-frame gun, first chambered as a six-shooter for the .357 Magnum. We understand Freedom is considering chambering the .475 Linebaugh in their full-size guns, now that Buffalo Bore Ammunition offers both loaded ammunition and components for both the .475 and .500 Linebaugh cartridges. If you want a Freedom in .475 Linebaugh, call ‘em at 307-883-2468 and let ‘em know.

Buffalo Bore Ammunition also offers some very interesting loads in .45 Long Colt and .44 Magnum, in addition to their Linebaugh ammunition. Both labeled “HVY,” and featuring either cast or jacketed bullets, these are hot-l...

Firing Line 09/98

Children and Firearms
Please stick to testing firearms, and leave the political agenda out. At age 12, in 1952, I was a responsible young adult. With the money I had earned on my paper route, I bought a .22 bolt-action repeater. All that was required, at the hardware store, was a note from my dad.

As a child, I was taught responsibility, with chores, part-time work for my dad, and a paper route from age 9. I bought my own clothes, items of my interests, and a .22 rifle. There was no emotional cry of the frightened, when my friends and I walked a mile through residential Spokane, Washington to the city limits and a place to shoot.

Today, the me-first generations, call t...

Firing Line 08/98

Kimber .45s
Why do we never have the Kimber .45's tested when they are nearly taking over the gun shows in this area? You did one in June, but I have not noticed any more. They are the best buy for the money in a .45 available today — my opinion, as I have a polymer-frame high-capacity Kimber and the Custom aluminum-frame gun. I have not wrung them out yet, as time and weather have not been to my liking here in a hot zone. Thanks for reading my comments. I read every issue the day it arrives, or the next, cover to cover.

John F. Clouse, Jr.
Azle, TX

Mr. Clouse: We plan a test of the Kimber Gold Match in the October 1998 issue, and will try other Kimbers...

Roy and Gene: Heroes of the Age

I can still see him, eyes squinting, smiling, sixguns in hand, as Dale Evans sang the song. He waited until Dale sang the words, “Shoot, cowboy!” and tossed a glass ball upward. Roy Rogers shot and broke each in turn, never losing his peaceful smile. Man, how I loved it! I was about six or eight years old, and Dad had taken me to see Roy and Dale, live, in person, at the old Sports Arena in Toledo, Ohio. Even Trigger, Roy’s amazing horse, was there. Roy was my idol and there he was, right in front of me on the stage. Wow!

I remember that scene like it was yesterday, but it’s been half a century since I saw it.

A few months later, Dad took me to see the Gene Autry show. Dad and I were w...

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...