
Curious About the 5.7×28

Re “22-Caliber Hi-Capacity Pistols: Ruger, KelTec, and Armscor,” October 2020 I bought the original 5.7x28 pistol when it came out quite a few years ago...

Lots of Gun Law Changes

If you’ve been looking at recent gun-law news, you might be shocked at the pace at which things are happening. I’ve been surprised at...

Solving a Big Shotgun Failure

Re “Self-Loading Shotguns: We Test 3 Affordable Turkish Brands,” March 2021 I have a follow-up to your review of the Toros Copolla T4. I bought this...

Fruits of Bruen

A couple of issues ago (August 2022), I wrote in this space about the earth-shaking effect that the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision would have...

The Commonly Owned AR-15

As I write this in late July 2022, the House of Representatives is poised to pass another ban on semi-auto rifles similar to the...

Downgrading Gun Chamberings

Re “Testing the 30 Super Carry Vs. 380 ACP and 9mm Pistols,” July 2022 Hi Todd, I’ve been a subscriber to Gun Tests for several...

More on the Smith EZ Pistols

Re “Testing the 30 Super Carry Vs. 380 ACP and 9mm Pistols,” July 2022 Hi Todd, I read your review of the various versions of...

A Landmark Decision in Bruen

Belated Happy Birthday Cheers and Exaltations to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who celebrated his 74th birthday on June 23, 2022, by writing the...

A Landmark Decision in Bruen

From the the majority decision written by Justice Clarence Thomas in a landmark Supreme Court gunowner-rights decision, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association,...

Just the Covers, Not the ‘Meat’

Where’s the Meat? My May 2022 issue of Gun Tests arrived via USPS with only the front and back cover. All the “meat” of the...


Recalls are part of making consumer products, but when it comes to firearms, the stakes are a little higher than if the products were...

How About Just the PDFs?

Just the PDFs, Ma'am

Hi, love your magazine. Have been a reader for many years. I wonder if it is possible to just get a PDF instead of the actual printed magazine? We’re trying to limit the amount of paper that is coming into the house. — Jim

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...