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Firing Line: 08/02

Re July 2002 issue: I wanted to write you and say I am a big fan of your publication. I read other gun magazines, and they have steadily gotten worse and worse. It is more or less a kind of payola. I am sure this is not news to you. I still read them, because I love to read and I love guns, but its hard not to notice the lack of journalistic integrity. (I am a former journalist - worked at the NY Daily News and a lot of papers in Maine). I have always been a big fan of Consumer Reports, and when they polled readers lately for ideas, I suggested they do what you do, but said you sure do it well enough right now!

When you see a review and then an ad right alongside...

Downrange: 07/02

EXPLOSION INJURES CARTER. Ross Carter, a master gunsmith who has advised the Gun Tests staff on handgun and combat-shooting issues, and his companion Diane Hammond, were the victims of an explosion and fire at their North Arkansas home in early June. They were flown to the burn unit at St. Johns Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. At the time of this writing, Carter was in critical condition with third-degree burns over 50% of his body. Hammond was undergoing skin grafts. We consider ourselves lucky to know Carter, and have depended on him for honest, clear assessments of complicated issues regarding firearms design and application. We hope youll remember them in your thoughts and...

Firing Line: 07/02

Hi Interest
Re February 2002, 9mm Carbine Semiauto Rifles: Hi-Point 995 Outshoots Ruger PC9:You give great praise to the 995, and give it your coveted Best Buy rating. You mention, though, that you had troubles with the original testing you did on this model in 1997 and that Hi-Point has seemingly overcome these problems in this model. So, why dont you tell me how to tell the difference between the new and the old 995s? I have a local dealer that has two 995s sitting on his shelf, but Im not sure I want to take the chance on them if theyre the old version.

-Scott R. Bishop

The chances of a five-year-old gun being sold as new is pretty...

Downrange: 06/02

Ohio Court Says Concealed Gun Ban Unconstitutional. A three-judge panel of an Ohio appellate court has unanimously ruled that a state law barring the carrying of concealed firearms violates its citizens constitutional right to protect themselves. The 1st Ohio District Court of Appeals ruled April 10 that the 75-year-old law was vague and subjective, and effectively prohibits law-abiding citizens from bearing weapons. Ohios Constitution provides that the people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security. The plaintiffs in the case had argued that the state law prevented them from exercising that right. The appeals court decision upholds a ruling earlier this ye...

Firing Line: 06/02

Lapping The Swede
In regards to your article on NECOs bore lapping system (August 2001), you might also mention that your neighbor in Canadian, Texas, David Tubb of NRA Highpower fame, sells a similar setup called final finish. His system is 50 already abrasive coated bullets in your desired caliber. I have used it three times on three different calibers, and I am a firm and committed disciple.

My first use was on a surplus 8mm Mauser, issue barrel, my first try at cutting and recrowning a barrel. Result was a shiny barrel that went from OK to minute of angle. Next was a 6.5x55 Mauser (May 2002) that I did a full custom (entry level) job on.

I have no idea what it woul...

Enhanced NICS

To improve the speed and efficiency of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft has announced new government initiatives to streamline the approval process as well as to prevent illegal aliens and other prohibited persons from purchasing firearms. Highlights of the announcement include:

• Increased federal assistance to help states update and automate their criminal history files, and also new federal/state efforts for prosecuting those who illegally obtain and sell guns, and prosecuting those who commit crimes with firearms on school grounds.

• Under new NICS rules, the FBI will coordinate with the Immigration and Natu...

Firing Line: 05/02

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, Seattle
There is no doubt in my mind that you print the only gun magazine that really tells the truth about the guns you test. I know that advertiser-supported gun magazines stretch the truth about the guns they test to please their advertisers. I only wish I had found your magazine sooner. I will be a lifetime subscriber.

Concerning the Firing Line comments in March 2002, I do agree 100 percent with Jerry Schroeder of Seattle. I have checked out the current administrations USA Patriot Act. The NRA is going to fool around and politic private citizens out of their guns. Politicians are going to go with the majority of their constituents. Privat...

Rankings Explained

Reader Bill Vogel recently had a question that periodically requires explanation. He said:

I have just subscribed and received my first issue. I have a question. I understand what Dont Buy means. But what is the difference between Buy It, Buy, and Conditional Buy?

Buy It and Buy are two ways of saying the same thing. Most often, our rankings take the imperative verb form of a recommendation, such as on page 24 in this issue. There, we write, Springfield Armory MilSpec 1911A1, $682. Buy It. But we could have just as easily have written, Springfield Armory MilSpec 1911A1, $682. We would Buy this gun....

Conditional Buy means there is some condition...

Firing Line: 04/02

Mak Roundup
I am concerned mainly about the Makarov testing. I have never owned a Bulgarian Makarov, but I have heard excellent reports of their dependability. I know you have tested these twice and you say the safety/decocker came loose on both. Did anyone on your staff disassemble then re-assemble these Makarovs? I have owned an East German surplus Makarov for several years. It is my main ccw carry gun.

My East German Mak has at least 4,000 rounds through it with absolutely no malfunctions, no jams, no problems of any kind.

-Don Boyd
Port Richey, FL

We inspected the gun without disassembly and oiled it as best we could. -Roger Eckstine


Downrange: 03/02

Youll have to hurry to make a deadline set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requesting public comments on the issue of airline pilots carrying firearms and flight deck crewmembers carrying less-than-lethal weapons on board commercial aircraft.

Provisions of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) would authorize the arming of pilots if certain approvals are granted.The deadline for comments is February 14, 2002, and comments must be identified by Docket No. FAA-2001-111229. Comments can be faxed to the Department of Transportation at (202) 267-5075, or can be filed by e-mail through the FAAs Web site at w...

Firing Line: 03/02

In the January 2002 issue, text was missing from the review of .22 lever action rifles. The missing material is as follows:

To assess their accuracy across a range of ammo quality, we shot the guns with rimfire lots from PMC Zapper, Fiocchi Super Match, Eley Tenex, Federals Gold Metal Ultra Match, Federal Classic, and American Eagle. Heres how each product performed:

Browning BL 22
The Browning Model BL 22, catalog number 12064, carries a suggested retail price of $345.95. Our test sample came with a Western-style straight-grain walnut stock with no checkering and a high gloss polyurethane finish. Wood-to-metal fit was excellent on the guns two-pi...

02/02 Editorial: What We’re About

At Gun Tests, we place a great premium on reader feedback. Because were subscription-driven, and not supported by advertising revenue, our readers are our lifeblood, so its important for me to stay plugged in to how our articles are perceived and received.

Thus, it helps me when a reader like Dan Dawley of Stockbridge, Vermont, writes in to comment on how he thinks were delivering the tough, critical product evaluations the GT brands stands for. Heres what he said:


Greetings. To start off, I would like to thank you for producing a magazine that is one of each months most-looked-forward-to mail deliveries. For years now, I have read [other gun magazines] and will continue...

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...