Downrange: 02/03
THE NUTTY NINTH CIRCUIT: For better or worse, it seems that the issue of individual gun rights might be headed for a Supreme Court showdown.
The reason: Before Christmas, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals made a reasoned, if mistaken, argument that put the California court at odds with the Fifth Circuit, which held last year in U.S. v. Emerson that the Second Amendment does, in fact, protect an individuals right to firearms.
The Ninth Circuits decision came in a case called Silveira v. Lockyer, which pitted nine plaintiffs against the state of California, which a decade ago banned assault weapons. But the law made an exception for individuals who owned such weapons...
Firing Line: 02/03
Intimidation Factor
Re December 2002, Entry-Type AR-15s-Is One of These Rifles For You?:
Id like to highlight your comment about the Mini-14 being less intimidating than AR-15s. I own a Mini-14, and out here in California, where you cant buy AR-styles exactly because they are more intimidating and imposing, the Mini-14 is a great choice if you want to avoid the possibility of your neighbors branding you the guy with the assault rifle. Though a Mini-14 out of the box might not be the most accurate weapon in this class, its reliable, breaks down into a handful of large parts with no tools for quick cleaning, and the fit and finish are outstanding. Its a pure joy to own...
Downrange: 01/03
TIME HEALS ALL WOUNDS? If you had wondered if Smith & Wesson could recover from its troubles and travails, perhaps an advance look at one of the companys 2003 product introductions might suggest the company is returning to good health:
The SW99 line will be expanded with the addition of a full-size .45 ACP pistol and two compacts. The .45 ACP SW99 pistol will feature a 4.25-inch barrel, 9 + 1 capacity, and weigh 25.6 ounces. The compacts will be available in a 9mm and .40 S&W version. All these SW99s will feature interchangeable backstraps, interchangeable front sights and adjustable rear sights. From our perspective, the most interesting of these guns will be the SW1911, a 191...
Downrange: 12/02
NATIONAL AMMO DAY. A grass-roots activist who coined the idea for National Ammo Day says hes hopeful about the results of what he calls a BUYcott.
Kim du Tuit is a self-employed database management consultant living near Dallas, and he had the idea that hunters and shooters nationwide should pick up an extra 100 rounds of ammunition last month on November 19. He says he had nothing to gain from the idea, except that he wanted to send a message to people trying to infringe on his rights by encouraging an increase in the sales of ammunition on that day.
On his website, Mr. Du Tuit wrote, There are an estimated 75 million gun owners in the United States of America. If each gun...
Firing Line: 12/02
Glock Test Correction
Re October 2002, Compact Polymer .40 S&Ws: Glock, Springfield, and H&K:You folks have the best gun magazine available. I really enjoy reading your opinions, which are not formed by high-paying advertisers.
In your test of compact polymer .40s, you incorrectly stated that the Glock has no chamber-loaded indicator. I refer you to your close-up picture of the Glock extractor printed on page 4, which shows the loaded chamber indicator on the Glock.I am a police officer and have carried a Glock on my hip every day for several years now. Get yourself a Glock, and lose that nickel-plated sissy pistol.
-Tom Martin
Murray, UT
Downrange: 11/02
Its long been debated that all or part of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, well known by its acronym BATF, should be moved from the Treasury Department to the Justice Department. Those discussions have been renewed as part of the Bush administrations overall realigning of the federal governments law-enforcement operations. Over the years, various administrations have considered reassigning ATF to other agencies. Much of the debate has historically focused on how best to handle the Bureaus two branches: its criminal law-enforcement arm, responsible for enforcing the nations firearms and explosives laws, and its regulatory division responsible for...
Firing Line: 11/02
CZ-52 Pistol
Re September 2002, Pistol Showdown: CZ and Tokarevs Match Up In Bargain Test:
I liked your article on the CZ-52, 7.62x25 pistol. I couldnt agree more. A tech at Sierra put me onto the CZ-52 several years ago. I thought you might be interested in a little-known item.
Before these pistols left the factory way back when, they were test fired for accuracy. Those found to be very accurate were given a single (small) punch mark on the site rib. Less accurate pistols were given two punch marks. There were some given three punches, and the least accurate but still acceptable for military use was given four punches. Its very difficult to see these indentations unl...
Downrange: 10/02
After spending 50 days in the Burn Unit of St. Johns Hospital in Springfield, Missouri, Ross Carter and Diane Hammond have returned home to Harrison, Arkansas, with continuing treatment on an outpatient basis. Carter is a well-respected gunsmith we consult on a regular basis.
One of the ways in which money is being raised to help Carter and Hammond get back on their feet is by donation of custom guns by renowned gunsmiths for raffle. One such gun was a Kimber Gold Match tuned by Richard Heinie. This is a special-edition model that was originally donated for raffle at the first Factory Gun Nationals run by Dick Metcalf of PASA Park. The raffle winner, Rog...
Firing Line: 10/02
Wheres the FEG?
Re: August 2002 issue, Buy the Real Thing! Hi-Power 9mm Clones Come Up Short:I enjoyed the evaluation of the 9mm Hi-Power versus its clones. I was disappointed, however, that you left out the FEG PJK-9HP and the Israeli Kareem.
I havent seen a Kareem, but I own and shoot an FEG. Except for the muzzle end of the slide, its a faithful knock-off of the Hi-Power. It shoots well and I have never had a mechanical malfunction or failure of any kind. I do get occasional hammer bite at the thumb web. I have also owned a Belgian Hi-Power, which I lost to a divorce lawyers fees. The FEG is not that nice, but it does have very good fit and finish. At less than $30...
Downrange: 09/02
BILL RUGER DIES. William Batterman Ruger, founder and Chairman Emeritus of Sturm, Ruger & Company, the largest firearms manufacturer in the United States, died Saturday, July 6, 2002, at age 86.
Ruger had a hand in the original design and time-honored styling of every firearm his company has produced, and continued to work on new creations up until his death. The company has produced more than 20,000,000 firearms for hunting, target shooting, collecting, self-defense, law enforcement and government agencies.Ruger teamed with Alexander McCormick Sturm and established Sturm, Ruger & Company in 1949. Rugers first firearm introduction in 1949 was a stylish .22-caliber target pisto...
Firing Line: 09/02
Re July 2002 issue, Full-Size Fighting .45 ACPS: The Valtro .45 ACP was very impressive. Is there a dealership where I can purchase the Valtro .45 ACP in the Dallas area, or is there an address and phone number where a dealership can order this auto .45 for its customers?
-Alfred Smith
DeSoto, TX
The only way to obtain these pistols is to order them directly from Valtro USA. The Valtro 1911 pistol can be sent to the federal firearms dealer of your choice. You can contact John Jardine with Valtro USA at 510-489-8477 or visit the company website at You can order a pistol like the one we test...
Downrange: 08/02
LOCKED AND UNLOADED. Knight-Ridder newspapers have reported that armed National Guard troopers deployed to airports for security following September 11 did not always carry ammunition in their pistols or M16 rifles, though they may have had access to magazines loaded with live rounds. National Guardsmen called up for security remained under the control of their states governor, who determined policy on firearms. According to Guardsmen who served at Philadelphias airport for seven months following the terrorist attacks, the armed soldiers at 16 airports around Pennsylvania were forbidden from patrolling with loaded firearms. The newspapers report that New York Guardsmen were also...