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Firing Line: 08/03

.380 Versus .38 Special
Re: June 2003 Firing Line:

I read with interest the two letters taking Gun Tests to task for daring to say the .38 Special was more powerful than the .380. The .380 (either the Colt Mustang or the AMT Backup) is certainly more concealable than the .38 special, but the round is simply a weaker load. My Colt Detective averages 955 fps with Cor-Bon 158-grain lead bullets. That is only 45 fps slower than the advertised velocity on the box, and is probably due to the 2-inch barrel. The measure of energy is 320 foot-pounds using Hatchers formula. (The no-longer-produced 115-grain Cor-Bons screamed out at 1207 fps for 372 foot-pounds of energy, but I pref...

Downrange: 08/03

The U.S. Supreme Court justices have altered their summer schedule to make room for lengthy and complicated arguments against the campaign-finance reform law enacted by Congress last year. The National Rifle Association is challenging it in 12 related cases and others arguing that preventing involvement in political campaigns is a violation of the First Amendments freedom of speech protection. Oral arguments are scheduled for September 8, at a time when the court usually is standing down in preparation for a new session that starts in October.


The nations largest retailer has agreed to pay $200,000 in a co...

Downrange 07/03: Firearms Industry Wins Victory

A 12-member advisory jury in the NAACPs Brooklyn lawsuit against the firearms industry exonerated manufacturers and distributors with a decision that found unanimously for 38 of the industry defendants. Jurors found for seven other defendants by a vote of at least 10 of the 12 jurors, and in 23 additional instances the jury failed to come to a decision. Not a single defendant was found to be either intentionally or negligently responsible for a public nuisance the NAACP claims occurs within the highly regulated and federally licensed chain of distribution and sale of firearms in America.

We welcome the advisory jurys common sense finding that the manufacturers and distributors of firea...

Firing Line: 07/03

Beretta Accuracy Questioned
Re June 2003, 9mm Pistols: We Compare Beretta, SIGArms, and Magnum Research:

On page six, you show the SIGArms P226 with the smallest groups all the way down the chart. However, in the text you write, Despite the Beretta 92F being the accuracy winner…. You have me confused.

-O. Thomas Rork
Topeka, KS


SIG The Tightest?
Re June 2003, 9mm Pistols: We Compare Beretta, SIGArms, and Magnum Research:

You wrote that the Beretta is the accuracy champ of these three, yet the SIG shot the tightest group (1.8 inch vs. a best of 2.5 inch for the Beretta), and had the tightest average groupings (1.8, 2.4 and 2.0 inc...

Downrange: 06/03

HESTON STEPS DOWN. At the NRAs annual convention in Orlando April 26-27, Charlton Heston stepped down as the groups president. Unquestionably, Hestons celebrity helped amplify the NRAs gun-rights message and put supporters in Congress and the White House.

As the NRAs public face for five years, he successfully steered the organization through several public-relations disasters involving shootings, and he won wide favor with fellow celebrities and politicians. For example, as part of his going-away event, country music singer Toby Keith performed in Orlando, and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush gave the conventions keynote speech.

It helped the NRA immeasurably to have Charlton He...

Firing Line: 06/03

The Unsung CZ
Re May 2003, Fine .22 Rifles - We Like The Anschutz 1710 Bolt Action:

I thoroughly enjoyed the .22-caliber reviews of the Cooper, Anschutz, and CZ 451. Yes, we would all like to have the Cooper or Anschutz, but being practical, the CZ is more likely what we will end up with. I was not surprised to see the results of the CZ, however. I own a CZ 452 in .22 LR, and using Federal Gold Medal Ultra-Match ammo, I consistently have one-hole groups. To date, my smallest group measured 0.258 inch, and one-hole groups 0.5 inches or smaller are commonplace. This rifle is woefully under publicized, though it is stiff competition for rifles costing four to five times as mu...

Downrange: 05/03

JUNK LAWSUITS UNDER REVIEW. Congress is considering legislation that will stop lawsuits holding companies in the firearms industry responsible for the criminal misuse of legally sold guns. Forty-six Democrats are among 247 House members who originally co-sponsored H.R. 1036, introduced by Florida Congressman Cliff Stearns. And there are 52 co-sponsors of Senate bill 659, introduced last week by Idaho Senator Larry Craig, including nine Democrats with Minority Whip, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, among them. We strongly urge interested firearms enthusiasts and those who make a living from the responsible and safe use of firearms to write and call their representative in the House and...

Firing Line: 05/03

.380 Auto History
Re April 2003, Pocket Pistol Pair-Off: We Test A Set of .380 Surplus Handguns:

I just received my latest issue of Gun Tests and read with interest the test on the .380s, as my brother swears by his Mustang Pocketlite and as I was the original owner of the Firearms International gun you tested.

With regard to the FI, it was in fact an FIE/Garcia Model D, which I purchased new in the 1977-1979 time period. At the time, gun writers were stating, right or wrong, that Colt had contracted with Garcia to manufacture a prototype of a .380 that Colt was supposedly to be considering marketing as the Colt Pony. From all reports at the time, Colt reconsidered and...

Downrange: 04/03

BIG GUN, BIG NEWS. Smith & Wesson caused quite a stir when it unveiled its Model 500 five-shot revolver chambered for the new Smith & Wesson .500 Magnum cartridge. Anti-gun groups denounced the handgun as too powerful; it fires a round producing about three times the muzzle energy of a .44 magnum. Orlando-based TV crews scrambled to get pictures of it on the network feeds, even though area law-enforcement officials told them the 4.5-pound hunting firearm, introduced at the February SHOT Show, was hardly the sort of thing criminals would tote around. Then, Illinois Congressman Danny Davis made the curious observation that no one hunts deer with a handgun.



Firing Line: 04/03

Mikes Truck Gun
Re February 2003, Mikes Ultimate Truck Gun:

The article on Mikes Truck Gun caught my eye. About 15 years ago Marlin made a rifle exclusively for K-Mart called the 30TK. It is almost identical. It had an 18-inch barrel, two-thirds length magazine tube, straight stock and lever and permanently attached sling swivels. Came with a camo sling. I purchased one, put a Williams peep on and have used it since. Very handy indeed.

-Robert Kellner


Sig-Mauser M2 .45 Auto
Re February 2003, 9mm Carbines: We Would Buy Kel-Tecs Sub 2000":

Okay, so you didnt like my 9m Leinad Cobray; and you did like the Kel-Tec Sub 20...

Downrange: 03/03

FINGERPRINTING GUNS NOT SO EASY. In a report to Californias legislature, state Attorney General Bill Lockyer acknowledges his Department of Justice finds technical limitations and a poor success rate in its attempts to expand ballistic imaging technology, designed to identify individual firearms found at crime scenes, into a database encompassing non-crime firearms.

The California Department of Justices own Bureau of Forensic Services used fewer than 800 semi-automatic handguns to test the system, and its experts discovered failure rates as high as 62.5 percent in attempts to match cartridge components with the handguns that fired them. Each year, according to the attorney gen...

Firing Line: 03/03

Sub Problems
Re February 2003, 9mm Carbines: Kel-Tecs Sub Rifle 2000 Is Affordable, Reliable and Totally Trick:

I read your article regarding the Sub 2000. I have to admit that it is an interesting gun, but I did have problems with mine. I shot it at the range with both Cor-Bon 9mm HP +P and Winchester WinClean. I had multiple failures to feed. The rounds would cock at a 45-degree angle (the bottom lip of the chamber would then take a bite out of the side of the round) or it would jam the bottom edge of the bullet straight into the bottom lip of the chamber and cram the bullet further into the cartridge. It did this with both types of ammo in the supplied magazine, Beret...

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...