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Firing Line: 05/05

Other Solutions
Re Getting Bores Clean: Copper Solvents Require Elbow Grease, February 2005:

I know that it is impossible for you to test every product on the market, but I do wish you had included two of what I consider to be well-known brands in your evaluation of copper solvents. One is Hoppes Bench Rest 9, and the other is Butchs Bore Shine. Both of these products are sold by Brownells. You even made reference to Hoppes No. 9 in your article (without regard to whether it was the old No. 9 Nitro-Solvent or the newer Bench Rest 9 Copper Solvent), but you did not give any evaluation of the Hoppes product. I have used both of the Hoppes products for many years a...

Downrange: 04/05

Gun News
Arizona legislators have come up with a plan to legalize loaded weapons in places that serve alcohol. Senate Bill 1363 breezed through the Senate Judiciary Committee on a 5-2 vote and appears headed toward a promising future in the full Senate and House.

Downside: Arizonans would have to avoid drinking an alcoholic beverage while carrying the loaded weapon. The measure would apply to restaurants, bars and nightclubs that served alcohol. The measure fell one vote short of passage last year.

The reasoning behind the measure? Law-abiding gun owners should be able to dine in restaurants without leaving their weapons at home or in the car, where they are useless for...

Firing Line: 04/05

What Happened to Lower Cost?
As a pioneer subscriber to Gun Tests, I have always enjoyed the diversity of articles. The last few years, I have noticed a trend toward what I call the high buck handgun - a gun that does not always equate price to value.

Remember a number of years ago when you rated the Norinco as a better bargain, with a bit of gunsmithing, when compared to many of the high-buck 1911s on the market? Why not a review on the Rock Island $300 1911? Could that be a bargain?

These hold the budget articles, I believe, would even be of interest to those who wanted a reliable second plinker.

Also, what ever happened to the Kel-Tec 223 article that was listed...

Downrange: 03/05

News reports have said a bodyguard who was once assigned to protect anti-gun film director Michael Moore was arrested by New York Port Authority Police in January.

Michael Moore is certainly no friend of gun owners, but this episode also shows him to be hypocrite. He actively campaigns against gun ownership, but he has retained an armed bodyguard - see entry under Rosie ODonnell.

But in this case, it wouldnt be Moore who would be put at risk. Bodyguard Patrick Burk was reportedly arrested at JFK International Airport when he declared a pistol in his baggage at the ticket counter, as required by law. New York authorities routinely arrest nonresident travelers who do not have a New...

Firing Line: 03/05

Bullet-Testing Disagreements
Re Survivor Bullet Testing: .45 ACP 230-Grain Hollowpoints, October 2004:

I was greatly disappointed to see this article. It contained several glaring errors, and is far below the standards I have come to expect from your magazine.

My first problem with the article is the statement that water does an amazing job of generating the same results, vis-a-vis penetration and expansion, as 10-percent ordnance gelatin. While properly prepared and calibrated gelatin does do a good job reproducing tissue, water does not. Water, tissue, and gelatin have similar densities and will generate similar expansion results, but because water cannot support...

Downrange: 02/05


Gun owners across the county often grouse about how difficult it for them to own firearms in certain jurisdictions - or impossible in others.Certainly, one of the worst gun-rights offenders is the District of Columbia. There, sportsmen are liable to be arrested and imprisoned, no questions asked, merely for owning a gun.

There are cases in which firemen responding to fires have found unloaded rifles or shotguns in private homes. The owners have been threatened with prosecution. There are other cases where homeowners have kept hidden firearms for protection against intruders, and when they used the weapons, they were prosecuted for more...

Firing Line: 02/05

To comment on Gun Tests articles, please email us at guntestseditor@earthlink.net.


Tactical Shotgun Choice
Re January 2005, 20-Gauge Youth Shotguns: Are They Effective For Self Defense?:

As a longtime subscriber, Ive learned to trust your advice, and I need some now. I recently attended a tactical shotgun course taught by two police instructors at our local club. I discovered that under stress, the shotgun that I thought was ideal as a home-defense weapon was not the gun I needed. I took the course with my Remington 870, and it was a disaster.

The gun performed flawlessly, but I did not. I repeatedly for...

Downrange: 01/05

The Lead Boogeyman
There were 20 million metric tons of lead bullets fired in the United States in the 20th century. Is that lead having an environmental impact? Not according to research done by Virginia Tech geological scientists.

Analyzing samples from a U.S. Forest Service firing range near Blacksburg, Virginia, Donald Rimstidt, a professor in the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech, and other researchers found very little lead damage to the environment. This is a big issue for gun owners, who face opposition from environmentalists over lead deposits. There are 9,000 nonmilitary shooting ranges and a lot of military ones in the United States. Some 60,000 metric to...

Firing Line: 01/05

Made in America
Re Short Shots, November 2004:

Thanks for the mention of SIGs DHS contract on page 5. However, I am a little concerned about the impertinent question. Is Gun Tests magazine implying that the pistols are not made in the U.S.? Because if that is so, thats news to us. As you can see from the press release and the article in the local paper, we are building the guns here in Exeter, New Hampshire, which, if nothing has changed since the last time I looked, is located in America. We explained in the release that we increased our production capacity by 25 percent with a very large investment in new equipment - six Okuma CNC machines to be exact.

If your i...

Downrange 12/04: Thief Steals SIG’s “Thunder”

[IMGCAP(1)]In this space, I usually stick with discussions of politics or gun ownership that apply to broad audiences. This month is a departure from that formula, because of the unique nature of a stolen gun thats just come to light. That this priceless gun is one of a kind isnt so newsworthy; expensive firearms are stolen from individuals every day, here and abroad. No, this gun was stolen from a manufacturer, which itself is curious. And that the thief cherry-picked this specific item from among thousands is confounding as well. Heres the full story:

SIGARMS Inc. is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the individuals responsible for the theft and the...

Downrange 11/04:

Gun Tests reader Ben Shaw of Clarke County, Alabama, wrote me the day after the Clinton Gun Ban expired. His comments on the ban, the banners, and various talking heads on television parallel my own. I think youll enjoy reading what he had to say.


The reason that gun experts laugh at these anti-gun legislators and lobbyists is that they do not know anything about firearms. An example: One of the features that was banned as causing a rifle to be an Assault Weapon was a bayonet lug. Will anyone please tell me when a bayonet mounted on a rifle was used in a crime?

How does one detect these ignorant anti-gun legislators and lobbyists? By knowing the proper terminology,...

Firing Line: 11/04

Good Barrel Needed
Re September 2004, Mil-Spec .30-06 Bolt Guns: 03 Springfield Vs. 17 Enfield:

I just finished reading your Springfield versus Enfield article. It is too bad that you did not have an Enfield with a good barrel. I have owned both the 03 and 17 in .30-06 cal. for 30-plus years and have found them to be excellent shooters. The 17 made by Winchester has been the one that I have shot the longest distance. Some years ago I hit a target with my first shot at 950 yards. The sight had been changed to a Lyman 1000-yard open sight, so even though it was not military, it was a similar peep sight. Please dont sell either one of these weapons short. They will bo...

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...