Firing Line: 11/05
Re Convertible .45 Revolvers: Ruger and Cimarron Face Off
May 2005:
As usual, your evaluation was thorough and informative. However, I believe your recommendation not to buy the Cimarron [shown adjacent] because the gun shot low with the .45 ACP loads did not serve your readers well. All guns, whether equipped with fixed or adjustable sights, will shoot low at some yardage. Most practical shooters learn how much to elevate the front sight over the rear sight to compensate for this. Some even place a dot or scribe a mark on the front sight to indicate where they need to hold for longer yardages.
Overall, you rated the Cimarron higher than the Ruger. I have owned and sho...
Firing Line: 10/05
September 2005:
If you havent done an article on the Auto-Ordnance M1 carbine, please consider it. Ive looked at CMP M1 Garands, and I just dont think thats what I want. Now, the Auto-Ordnance M1 carbine is around $600 MSRP, and Ive found one as low as $539. Thats only $39 more than the maximum I wanted to spend. If I could only get Gun Tests blessing, I would be very grateful, as I greatly respect and put my faith in your magazine.
Dan Davis
Steyr Autoloaders
I am a long-time subscriber and continue to use Gun Tests as the tiebreaker in all my purchases. So far I have acquired...
Downrange: 10/05
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer has shelved a gun-control measure that would have required manufacturers to stamp microscopic serial numbers on all handgun ammunition sold in California.
The bill, SB 357, has passed the Senate and is pending in an Assembly fiscal committee. The legislation would require manufacturers to imprint or etch a serial number on the end of each slug or bullet starting in 2009. Boxes of cartridges bearing the same number could then be linked to buyers driver licenses recorded at the time of sale.
Lockyer said coding handgun ammunition could help identify suspects in many murders and other violent crimes. No...
Downrange: 09/05
You may remember when the federal assault- weapons ban expired last September, Sarah Brady claimed that the streets would be filled with AK-47s and Uzis. Of course, nothing like that happened.
What has happened is this: The bans expiration has showed how useless the law was.
Researcher John Lott Jr. has repeatedly said that not a single published academic study has ever shown that these bans have reduced any type of violent crime.
Gun owners knew the phrase assault weapon was bogus, that the rapid-fire machine guns used by the military were never in s...
Firing Line: 09/05
Re Full-Size Double-Action .45s: Taurus, Ruger Go Head To Head,
April 2005
I just got my first issue of Gun Tests and read it from cover to cover. Very enjoyable reading. I even checked out the website. Its nice to read an honest evaluation of the guns tested, but Ive noticed a strange twist in the comparisons. You like to compare apples to oranges. You test .45 ACP against .45 GAP or .40 SW, compacts against full-size target and other similar but not same types of weapons. Although I enjoy the info, I find it confusing. When Im buying a particular firearm, I figure out if I want an orange or an apple, and then compare it to other apples of the same size, type and...
Downrange: 08/05
A Tale of Two Gun Bans
Virginia Tech officials have banned guns on campus - even for concealed-carry holders eligible to wear guns elsewhere in the state - and has threatened to arrest anyone who refuses to disarm or leave campus.
The gun ban would clearly prohibit holders of concealed weapons permits from carrying firearms on campus. Earlier this spring, Tech came under heavy criticism from gun owners rights groups for disciplining a student who carried a concealed handgun to class.
The student had a state-issued permit to carry a concealed weapon. However, university officials argued that the schools decades-old gun ban supersedes the permit. Even more confusing, Tech...
Firing Line: 08/05
Re A Baer of a Decision: Monolith, Ultimate Master, Or Premier II,
January 2005:
I have owned a Les Baer Concept III for over a year, having won it in an NRA/ILA sweepstakes. Your article on the Les Bear Custom 1911s is accurate in every respect except one. You mentioned in your review of the Premier II that the Concept I and II include a smooth frontstrap. Mine, produced in 2003, has a 30-lpi frontstrap. The Les Baer website states that the Concept I and II have smooth frontstraps, but the rest of the Concept line has the checkered 30-lpi frontstrap. I have found this pistol to be totally reliable, with many upgrade options available. The Les Baer pistol is a quality pro...
Downrange: 07/05
In a mid-May interview, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the constitutional right of Americans to own guns is as important as their rights to free speech and religion.
In an interview on CNNs Larry King Live, Rice said she came to that view from personal experience. She said her father, a black minister, and his friends armed themselves to defend the black community in Birmingham against the White Knight Riders in 1962 and 1963. She said if local authorities had had lists of registered weapons, she did not think her father and other blacks would have been able to defend themselves.
I also dont think we get to pick and choose from th...
Firing Line: 07/05
Re Budget Self-Defense Revolvers: Taurus, Rossi, and Comanche, November 2004:
I was very interested in the Taurus M605B, but I have a question. Where does it shoot relative to the point of aim? I have been disappointed by fixed-sight revolvers for their lack of accuracy because they do not shoot to the point of aim. Its impressive that such a modestly priced gun shoots 2.5-inch groups, but not so nice if they are off the point of aim by 3 or 4 inches at 15 yards. How difficult/expensive would it be for a gunsmith to fix this?
Stu Kupferman
Our Taurus generally shot to point of aim elevation at 15 yards; there were some left and right...
Firing Line: 06/05
I Would Like To See…
I am a long-time subscriber of your magazine and always appreciate your no-compromise reviews. I would like to see a Gun Tests comparison of new bargain-priced bolt rifles. I would suggest a shoot-out including the new Mossberg ATR 100 Series, the new Stevens Model 200 bolt gun from Savage, and the Remington 710. You might also include the Savage 11FXP3 package. Most all of these can be purchasedfor under $400, with scopes.
I would also hope to see an ammo test, focused on the best loads for 2-inch-barrel snubbies. I have always kept my S&W 442 loaded with the 125-grain Federal Nyclad load, which for years has been referred to as the Chiefs Special loa...
Downrange: 06/05
Meet NRAs New President
The face of the NRA has changed from Moses to that of a lawyer - a shift particularly appropriate for our times. Sandra S. Froman was sworn in as the gun groups president in April, taking the chair once held by Charlton Heston, probably the NRAs best-known president. But she takes over most recently for Kayne Robinson, who has served since 2003. Her term is expected to last two years.
Froman, 55, who earned a bachelors degree in economics from Stanford and a law degree from Harvard, is a business and employment litigator in Tucson. Shes been on the NRA board since 1992 and was encouraged to run for the board by Bob Corbin, former attorney gener...
Downrange: 05/05
One of my favorite Texas legislators, State Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp, R-Lampasas, doesnt think Texans should have to disclose that they are carrying a concealed handgun. So she introduced House Bill 318, which would prevent public disclosure of the names of people who hold concealed handgun licenses.
The bill passed the Texas House of Representatives in March by a 113-30 vote. The bill, similar to one passed by the House in 2003, deletes the requirement that the Texas Department of Public Safety must release the identity of a license holder to the public.
Hupp, whose family was murdered by a gunman in a Lubys restaurant in Killeen more than a dec...