Don’t Penalize the Gun
Success with the Legend Round
A Second on What Women Want
A Jackass? Yes, an Older One
How to Get an Old Issue of GT
A Top Youth-Shotgun Pick
More 9mm Compacts, Yes
Buying One of the Boomers
Reader Ryan appreciates the December review of the 460 Magnum from Smith & Wesson and looks forward to hunting. Reader Bruce checks in on Washington's background checks and a whole lot more.
Ranking Guns by Groupings
Reader Don comes up with an interesting idea: Listing the top five or ten firearms by smallest grouping. Several readers also say, ‘Thanks, but no thanks' and oppose universal background checks.
More on the Bond Arms Bullpup
Reader Russell takes issue with some of our legal self-defense advice regarding gun modifications. Because he's now in the Age of Arthritis, Reader Taylor wishes for the return of tip-up 380s.
Aw Shucks, Thank You…
Reader PM resubscribed after many years to get our 2nd Amendment reporting and commentary. Reader Richard got his latest issue in the mail, and it was "trimmed" on the side. Here's how to resolve that.
Lefties Sound Off On Holsters
Reader Murrell likes the look of the Blackhawk ARC, but not the gun fit. Reader Brendan shows how to enjoy a good Gun Tests read in style and comfort. And Reader Paul mixed shooting and sparking well.