How About Some DW Pistols?
Old-School Praise for 38 Revos
Praise for Pistol-Caliber Carbines
We Think GT Readers Can Read
We Think GT Readers Can Read
Where Is the Gun Tests Index?
Wants Full-Grade Markdowns
Praise for Winchester Defender
I really enjoyed the article comparing the Benelli, Stevens, and CZ scatterguns; however, I'm still going to rate my Winchester Model 1300 Defender over all of them. It was half the cost of even your cheapest test gun, as I bought it for a C-note at a pawn shop, and the Winchester pump action is, if you'll pardon the horrible pun, damn near bulletproof.
Praise for Winchester Defender
I really enjoyed the article comparing the Benelli, Stevens, and CZ scatterguns; however, I'm still going to rate my Winchester Model 1300 Defender over all of them. It was half the cost of even your cheapest test gun, as I bought it for a C-note at a pawn shop, and the Winchester pump action is, if you'll pardon the horrible pun, damn near bulletproof.
Praise for Winchester Defender
I really enjoyed the article comparing the Benelli, Stevens, and CZ scatterguns; however, I'm still going to rate my Winchester Model 1300 Defender over all of them. It was half the cost of even your cheapest test gun, as I bought it for a C-note at a pawn shop, and the Winchester pump action is, if you'll pardon the horrible pun, damn near bulletproof.
Praise for the Slidefire Stock
Reader Reynolds had some initial trouble with the AR accessory, but he likes the rate of fire it delivers. Reader Hodges takes our wheelgun advice and ‘KISSes' his Bodyguard 380 goodbye.
Praise for the Slidefire Stock
Reader Reynolds had some initial trouble with the AR accessory, but he likes the rate of fire it delivers. Reader Hodges takes our wheelgun advice and ‘KISSes' his Bodyguard 380 goodbye.