Gun Law Threatens Wildlife Causes
Assembly Bill 1010, introduced by Assemblyman Tony Cardenas (D-LA), would ban the distribution, drawing, or lottery of any firearm, component or ammunition at any California fundraising event. This is significant because nearly all California conservation organizations use sporting arms as prizes at their events.
“For a state that has a reputation for concern about the environment, California’s elected officials are close to selling their outdoors as well as their citizens down the drain,” said Bud Pidgeon, president of the Wildlife Legislative Fund of America (WLFA)....
Somebodys Got To Do It
We’re glad this approach is unique, but it’s always a little surprising to many shooters. If you go onto any shooting range anywhere in this country (or the world, I suppose), you’ll hear frank discussions of firearms performance. One shooter will say, “This gun is a sack of hooey [or words to that effect].” Another will add, “That gun shoots like a house afire.”...
Somebodys Got To Do It
We’re glad this approach is unique, but it’s always a little surprising to many shooters. If you go onto any shooting range anywhere in this country (or the world, I suppose), you’ll hear frank discussions of firearms performance. One shooter will say, “This gun is a sack of hooey [or words to that effect].” Another will add, “That gun shoots like a house afire.”...
Boycott Smith & Wesson?
And that wasn’t the first communication I’d had on the subject. Two days earlier, the Gun Owners of America group had issued an email alert whose header read: “Smith & Wesson Sell-out: Boycott!” The headline on the email read, “GOA Announces Boycott of Clinton & Wesson—Sell-out worse than originally reported.”
As you might expect, I’ve gotten nearly 100 pieces of email, fa...
Continuing Smith & Wesson Fallout
However, not everyone agreed. An email from Alan Bint of Pensacola, Florida, said, “I will not renew. I just received my May issue. I was and am very disappointed in your reaction to the Smith & Wes...
Odds and Ends
Anderson said the proposed shutdown of the teams was done strictly as a cost-cutting move and was not driven by any higher political...
Shooting News Good and Bad
Army Reserve Programs Standing Down? An email from Helmut J. Hein Lynn Belcher, assistant branch chief, Individual Training Branch, U.S. Army Reserve Command, started in classic military form: “It is my sad duty to inform you that the USAR is the first military organization to cancel competitive marksmanship activities. Hopefully, the USAR will be the only one to do so.”
To those of us who have been in awe of Reserve shooters at the Camp Perry national matches or in international comp...
Letter From Alaska
First of all I want to congratulate you on a wonderful magazine. I have nearly given up on the other gun magazines. All the other writers seem to be testing products when guests of the manufacturer at some fancy game ranch or...
An Individual right?
This is a crucial distinction in terms of...