Will Guns Be Banned As Health Risks?
There’s an ongoing push to equate gun criminality with some sort of gun-related “disease,” for lack of a better description. Example: A recent Reuters article, which moved on the wires as “US Health System Fails To Track Gun Violence-Study,” uncritically accepted the conclusions of the Handgun Epidemic Lowering Plan (HELP) Network. The HELP study purported to find an “information gap” that hobbled efforts to combat gun violence in the United States. Translation: The HELP study was searching for some ruse from which to enact more gun laws. Now this oblique attempt to reach in our...
Heston Speaks Out At Harvard
-Todd Woodard
About a year ago I became president of the National Rifle Association, which protects the right to keep and bear arms. I ran...
Fallout From Littleton
Instead, half-baked policy throwaways are Clinton’s mainstay, especially w...
This Is Who We Are
As a consumer, I have shot many concealable pistols, hunting revolvers, competition shotguns, big-game rifles, and top-end .22s, since those are my favorite pursuits. However, I was never able to spend the time wit...
A Liability Strategy
Of course, that characterization is personally insulting, and the irritation of law-abiding citizens being described that way is only compounded by the accommodation of gun representatives in the political a...
Aftermath of Atlanta
Protecting Your Own
Within hours after the shootings at the Wedgwood Baptist Church, a letter arrived at the Star-Telegram expressing the wish that I had been inside the church on that deadly Wednesday night.
I wish I had, too, but for a different reason than the writer’s desire for me to witness the carnage left by two handguns wielded by a raging paranoid.
At least the se...
Follow-Up: A Liability Strategy
I expected to hear thunder from law enforcement, criticizing my suggestions as irresponsible, which, in fact, they were. Instead, I’ve heard mostly whispers from policemen, constables, sheriffs, BATF and FBI trainers, military instruc...
Follow-Up: A Liability Strategy
I expected to hear thunder from law enforcement, criticizing my suggestions as irresponsible, which, in fact, they were. Instead, I’ve heard mostly whispers from policemen, constables, sheriffs, BATF and FBI trainers, military instruc...
Why I Shoot
But not me. And probably not you, either. So at this time o...
Bits and Pieces
Here are a few items we found and refined recently that might be interesting to gun owners:
A Solution To All Our Problems
How utterly pe...