Buying a Used Beretta AL391 Urika 20 Gauge On
When tested the Beretta AL391 Urika 20 Gauge in the magazine’s June 2008, the retail price was listed as a stiff $1350. But auctions have the guns selling used for $400 below that. For instance, Auction # 106087392 had a “like new” 20 ga/28 in. for $830.
Daley Pushing New Gun Ban Measure
Chicago is fighting to keep its 1982 handgun ban, even as suburbs such as Wilmette and Morton Grove are throwing in the towel. In fact, Daley is talking about drafting yet another ordinance to spell out the responsibilities and liabilities of homeowners in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision to overturn Washington D.C.'s handgun ban.
A Reasonable View of Heller
The truth is that courts are not going to allow guys with bazookas to wander down Pennsylvania Avenue, and they're also not going to allow government to completely disarm the people. Because that right to bear arms is part of the American tradition.
Nevada ACLU Supports An Individual’s Right To Bear Arms
The Nevada American Civil Liberties Union has declared its support for an individual's right to bear arms, apparently making it the first state affiliate in the nation to buck the national organization's position on the Second Amendment.
Acting Director Michael J. Sullivan Statement on Supreme Court’s Decision in District of Columbia...
TF Acting Director ATF Michael J. Sullivan released the following statement on the recent Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia et. al. v. Heller:
Anheuser-Busch: Will It Continue To “Brew” Sports Advertising?
Belgium brewer InBev has agreed to buy Anheuser-Busch for $52 billion. How much will this impact the business of sports, particularly sports with gun themes?
John Lott, Jr.: Gun Debate Is Hardly Over
John R. Lott, Jr. recently wrote on, “The Supreme Court may have confirmed that Americans have the right to own guns for protection, but the gun debate is hardly over. The District of Columbia, whose handgun ban was struck down by the Supreme Court, is still planning on banning most handguns.”
Disney World Claims Exemption from New Florida Law
Disney World claims that it's exempt from a new state law that allows workers to bring handguns to work. Disney says by banning the guns, it's looking out for the safety of its workers and guests.
Boston Tea Party 2008 Staged by Gun Owners Action League
The Massachusetts Gun Owners’ Action League will mark the ten-year anniversary of the signing of the state’s 1998 Gun Control Act on July 23, 2008. It has marked the upcoming anniversary by outlining what it calls the “Decade of Disaster” that resulted from the passage the law, officially known as Chapter 180 of the Acts of 1998.
The Black View on Heller
When black folks were outmanned and outgunned during the slavery, Reconstruction and Jim Crow eras, various Supreme Court decisions left blacks defenseless against a tide of white terrorism. But now that black communities are awash in a wave of black on black crime, the Supreme Court accepts and rules on a case concerning the right to bear arms.
John Lott: Reaction to D.C. Gun Ban Decision
John R. Lott, Jr. wrote last week, 'The Supreme Court's decision Thursday affirming that people have a right to own guns evoked all sorts of reactions....' He then went on to write about one of these reactions:
Washington Post Writer Doesn’t Get It
Marie Cocco, a writer for the Washington Post Writer's Group, tried to undercut the value of Heller by castigating gun-rights advocates for pushing their rights before the court, and in local jurisdictions: The gun lobby already has filed suit against municipalities that have laws similar to the one struck down in the District of Columbia. Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Association's executive vice president, told me that licensing and permitting systems, such as the one long…