Colorado Gov. Ritter Vetoes Bill Easing Carry Regulations
Gov. Ritter vetoes bill that would have allowed some people with permits to carry concealed weapons to skip additional background checks each time they buy a gun.
NRA Files Suit Against San Francisco for 2nd Amendment Violations
The National Rifle Association has filed suit against the city of San Francisco, Mayor Gavin Newsom and Police Chief Heather Fong, taking aim at city laws it contends violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms.
Republican “Leaders” Looking to Replace Specter with Noted Gun Banner
In a recent Gun Owners of America email, the group called out Republicans who support gun control, in particular Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania.
College Profs Ask for Campus Concealed Carry
Three professors of finance and economics in Texas wrote a gun rights–related op-ed piece that was distributed to several newspapers in the state last week. In the article, they said, 'As college professors, we want to reduce the odds of a Virginia Tech massacre happening on a Texas college campus. That's why we encourage the Texas Legislature to allow concealed carry on the state's college campuses.'
N.J. Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Gun-Sale Limits
An article on said the state Supreme Court will tackle gun control today when it considers whether cities and towns may enact laws limiting the sale of firearms. The justices will hear arguments on Jersey's City's attempt to limit handgun purchases to one per month. An appeals court last fall overturned the 2006 ordinance, saying the city had overstepped its bounds because state law already monitors those sales. The lower court said municipal governments don't have…
NRA Competitions Division Staying Busy
The NRA Competitions Division recently announced four bits of news important to shooters:
Frank Advice from Frank Brownell on Buying AR15s
Administrator's Note: We saw Frank Brownells' advice in the March 27 Brownells Web Bench e-letter and thought his comments about current AR15 market shortages were on point. We got permission to post them on
U.S Military Awards Winchester 9mm Frangible Ammunition Contract
The U.S. Military has awarded Winchester Ammunition a five-year contract with a maximum value of $30 million for 9mm frangible training ammunition.
Update: DoD Ammo-Case Destruction Policy Withdrawn
The Department of Defense has announced it has scrapped a new policy that required destruction of fired military cartridge brass.
John Lott Editorial: What Not To Learn From Europe: More Gun Control
John Lott, Jr., noted gun-rights advocate and author of Freedomnomics, had a reasoned response to recent shootings in Alabama and Germany, which spurred new calls for gun confiscation:
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear New York City’s Lawsuit Against Gun Makers
NEW YORK -- Putting an end to nine years of litigation, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear New York City's request to continue a lawsuit that sought to hold firearms manufacturers responsible for the criminal misuse of firearms.
Big Firms, such as Weyerhaeuser Corp., Whirlpool Corp., and ConocoPhillips, Must Adjust to Legality...
A new ruling by a federal appeals court means managers in a growing number of states must accept that their employees have the legal right to keep guns in their cars at work, said attorney James P. Anelli, an attorney in law firm LeClairRyan's Labor and Employment Group.