Magnum Research BFR 22H10 .22 Hornet
The BFR 22H10, code name Little Max in the Magnum Research brochure, is a single action only gun. To load the BFR you first open the loading gate. No manipulation of the hammer is needed to free the cylinder. Much like the Ruger single-action revolvers, the hammer stays safely in a down position.
The BFR strikes a chord. We would have to rate the workmanship of the BFR superior to the Taurus. We recommend it if you need a hunting iron without the recoil of the harder hitting calibers meant for bears and large game.
Gun Rights May Affect Abortion Rights? Strange Bedfellows in the McDonald Case
WASHINGTON, D.C.--Chris Cassidy, assistant director of communications at the American Constitution Society, posted a short item about how women's groups lobbying for abortion may wind up supporting gun-owners' rights in the McDonald v. Chicago Supreme Court case. He wrote:
Time to Put An End to Army Bases as Gun-Free Zones
“Shouldn't an army base be the last place where a terrorist should be able to shoot at people uninterrupted for 10 minutes? After all, an army base is filled with soldiers who carry guns, right? Unfortunately, that is not the case. Beginning in March 1993, under the Clinton administration, the army forbids military personnel from carrying their own personal firearms and mandates that 'a credible and specific threat against [Department of the Army] personnel [exist] in that region' before military personnel 'may be authorized to carry firearms for personal protection.'
Homeland Security Budget Vote Also Protects Pocketknife Use
WASHINGTON, D.C.--The United States Senate recently approved the FY2010 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill Conference Report, which included an amendment to protect the use of pocketknives.
A Tribute to Ted Kennedy
As readers probably know, Senator Edward Moore 'Teddy' Kennedy died last week, and the government-licensed media's lionization of him filled airwaves all weekend. We here at send our heartfelt condolences to his wife and family.However, Teddy Kennedy was no friend to gun owners, and we will not overlook the damage he did to our civil liberties.
North Carolina Supreme Court Says Some Felons Do Have a Right to Bear Arms
UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh recently wrote on his blog, The Volokh Conspiracy, that the North Carolina Supreme Court has just held in Britt v. State that some felons -- whose crimes are long in the past -- do have a constitutional right to bear arms, at least under the North Carolina Constitution.
Guns and Hummers in Missouri
Lynch Hummer, a $7.5 million Hummer facility in an upscale St. Louis suburb, has announced the opening of the world's first combined Hummer and firearms dealership.
Soldiers Take Time Out to Teach New Shooters
Every summer at Camp Perry, Ohio, prior to the National Rifle and Pistol Trophy Matches, soldiers from the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit pass their shooting knowledge on to the next generation of American shooters at the Small Arms Firing School.
The school was instituted in 1918 by the Department of Defense and is conducted by the USAMU, along with assistance by members of the Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Army Reserve and National Guard.
Do Travel Writers Who Hate the 2nd Amendment Disturb You? Then Consider Skipping Frommer...
The travel writer Arthur Frommer has authored dozens of Frommer’s Travel Guides, and he writes a blog called Arthur Frommer Online. Now he’s trying to organize a boycott of Arizona’s travel industry because he disagrees with its gun laws.
MSNBC Plays Racial Politics With Deceptive Editing, Says SAF
BELLEVUE, Wash. -- The Second Amendment Foundation today accused MSNBC of using deceptively-edited video from a Phoenix anti-tax rally on Monday to invent a racial stereotype in its ongoing effort to demonize and marginalize American firearms owners as 'racists.'
Armed Protests Jeopardize the President, Public
In Arizona and several other states, it happens to be legal for people to purchase and carry these types of weapons without a permit. Gun-rights advocates say they are exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and protest; others who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen.
AWA Lightning Carbine .45 LC
There’s a new breed of action rifle in Cowtown. Instead of the diehard lever gun of old, many Cowboy Action shooters looking to shave the last seconds off their time will soon be using a pump rifle. In the quest for speed in that game, top shooters are posting winning scores with the old Colt Lightning design, or clones thereof. Because top shooters use them, that means everybody wants one, whether or not they work better than the ol’ lever action mainstay.The all-blue AWA Lightning is available in a variety of calibers including .32-20, .38-40, .38 Spl., .44-40, or .45 LC. If you want it with an octagonal barrel in either the test rifle’s 20-inch length or with a 24-inch barrel, the price is $890. Russ Simpson, president of AWA, informed us that there were many options available for original Colt Lightnings, so the crescent butt plate here, and the buckhorn rear sight on the Beretta carbine, might have been found on originals. No originals, however, have been found or documented with color-case hardened receivers.