
Gun Owners of America makes one final push against ObamaCare

( — From Gun Owners of America (GOA), a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners:Write your representative one final time. Tell him to oppose the Senate-passed ObamaCare bill ... Remind him that, once Obama and Senate Democrats have gotten what they want, there is no incentive to ignore the Senate rules... You can use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center to send a pre-written message.

Federal Gun Laws Are Baloney, OK Rep Says

( to a Tulsa World story, Oklahoma could be headed for a showdown with the federal government over firearms regulation and the scope of interstate commerce.

Analysis: 2d Amendment Extension Likely

The Supreme Court on Tuesday seemed poised to require state and local governments to obey the Second Amendment guarantee of a personal right to a gun, but with perhaps considerable authority to regulate that right.

Who Was Missing from Press Club Meet? Gun Owners, Of Course

An item on BUSINESS WIRE was laughable if you favor civil rights for gunowners:The release was from the so-called Legal Community Against Violence, publicizing an event entitled, McDonald v. Chicago: Stakeholders to Discuss Upcoming Supreme Court Handgun Case. Notable for their absence, of course, was any pro-2nd Amendment balance, including the person with the most direct stake, Otis McDonald himself.

California Man Open Carries, Gets Booted from Store

A man apparently inspired by Open Carry gun activists strolled into an East Palo Alto supermarket with a handgun on his hip Wednesday and began shopping for groceries.

U.S. Supreme Court Grants NRA Motion for Divided Argument in McDonald v. City of... learns that the U.S. Supreme Court granted the National Rifle Association’s motion to allow it to participate in the upcoming oral argument in McDonald v. City of Chicago.

Gun Salesman of the Decade reprints an essay by Tim Case, originally posted on (used with permission). Case details reasons behind ongoing high gun-buying numbers. 'To say that the current political atmosphere has nothing to do with firearms sales would be ludicrous, at best. There are, however, more to the statistics than first meets the eyes. On closer inspection the NICS data shows the rise of firearms sales beginning in September 2005 and really taking hold in December of the same year. What accounts for this sudden rise in firearm interest can only be attributed to the events following the destruction of New Orleans and the surrounding areas in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in late August 2005.'

Gun Owners, Filtered: ‘New American’ Editorial on Mayors Banning Guns Group

In Monday’s editorial, the New York Times reported the results of a Frank Luntz poll indicating that NRA members are much softer on key issues than the National Rifle Association itself. Unfortunately, the editorial was rife with filters in the form of hot labels and emotionally-laden words and phrases that immediately impugned the validity of the results of the study.

Taurus Judge: Gun Tests Revolver of the Year 2009

Every December Gun Tests Magazine picks the best from a full year’s worth of tests and distills summary recommendations for readers, who often use them as year-end shopping guides. These “best of” choices are a mixture of the Gun Tests original evaluation and other information the staff compiles during the year.Additionally, the magazine selects the best type of firearm--pistol, revolver, shotgun, and rifle--for its “Best in Class” award.The “Best in Class” Revolver for 2009 was the Taurus Judge No. 4510TKR-3BUL 3-Inch 45 LC/410-Bore, $620. It was originally reviewed in the August 2009 issue.

Gun Owners Worry that Big HSA Ammo Order Will Be Used on Them

WASHINGTON, D.C.--An innocuous story posted on on August 22 wound up on dozens of websites and YouTube videos last week as hundreds of gunowners publicly worried that the U.S. Government was planning to use 200 million rounds of 40-caliber ammunition to subdue its citizens.

Global Warming and Guns: East Anglia Echoes The Bellesiles Gun Fraud

Michael Bellesiles published in 2000 Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture. Bellesiles, a tenured professor at Emory University, argued that the American culture of gun ownership grew not from the fight by American pioneers for individual liberty but an early-American Congressional mandate necessitated by the actual absence both of firearms and Americans’ proficiency with them.

Santa and His B&C Sleigh

Now this is funny. Santa and his Texas whitetail sleigh.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...