Check Out Videos!
Check out several new videos are loaded this week: Sinclair Reloading Series Parts 1 and 2, Cheaper Than Dirt: Leupold - VX 3 Scopes; Ruger’s History of the Gun - Part 1: The Hand Cannon, Crimson Trace Laser Sights - The Art Of Survival, and the Colt .22 Tactical M4 Rimfire Colt Safety & Operation.
‘Sandlew3’ Wins Insight Technology M6X Laser/Illuminator
'Sandlew3' Wins Insight Technology M6X Laser/Illuminator in the survey: Be sure to register for our free weekly eReport to keep up with the latest gun news, reviews, and future drawings.
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Please Vote For Concealed Carry At ProCon Website
A website purporting to explore the topic of concealed carry allows gunowners to register a ‘pro’ vote in favor of concealed carry.
Fort Hood Police Heroes Honored by Gun Saint Society
Fort Hood Texas police Sgts. Mark Todd and Kimberly Munley wore St. Gabriel Possenti Society ( honor medallions presented by Society Founder-Chairman John M. Snyder of Telum Associates at the American Police Hall of Fame in Titusville, Florida.
Firearms Industry Concerned Over United Nations Request for Firearms Trace Data
(—The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for the firearms industry, has learned that the United Nations has filed its first firearms trace request. The move by the United Nations, which has long advocated for civilian disarmament, raised concerns from the NSSF.
Bloomberg to Obama: Get Going on Taking Guns Away
( Bloomberg urges President Obama to adopt dozens of gun registration and confiscation measures using executive power and bypassing Congress.
Are Gun Owners ‘Wingnuts’? New Book and Poll Say So
(—A new book, 'Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America,' is used as the springboard for a Harris poll to call gun owners and others who disagree with Obama 'Wingnuts.'
Slate: A Gun-Nut Win On Health Reform
( item posted by Timothy Noah gave backhanded props to the Gun Owners of America for protecting gun ownership in the healthcare bill.
SDak Gets Firearms Freedom Law
( Dakota has become the fifth state to decide that guns made, sold and used within its borders no longer are subject to rules enforced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
Front Sight Founder Urges “Something Big”
( Ignatius Piazza of Front Sight FTI is celebrating his 100th blog with a call to protest.
AP: Memphis LE Source of Guns From High-Profile Shootings
( — A recent AP story pushed the angle that removing used police firearms from resale channels is good public policy, citing heavily criticized Miami police chief John F. Timoney as a reliable source on the topic and offering no balancing opinion.