
Videos on!

( -- New Videos: 1: Reservist John Buol Jr., editor of American Gunsmith magazine, introduces the ACOG TAO1 battle sight, and how to use it in the field. USAMU Reserve Combat Shooting Team MSG Lance Espinosa shows how he maintains data on this sight to maintain its effectiveness. 2: Kevin Winkle of gets the lowdown on introductions that Crimson Trace is making in 2011 handguns. Sig, S&W, Ruger, and others. Talks about G10 custom grip lasers, infrared lasers (sadly, military only), and a buncha other cool stuff. 3:'s Kevin Winkle handles the Glock 17 25th anniversary model in this Product Minute.

Gun News from Around the Web: Feb 21, 2011 aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for '' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

Gun News from Around the Web: Feb 14-21, 2011 aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for '' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

Gun News from Around the Web: Week of Feb 6-12, 2011 aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for '' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

SHOT Show Alert: Leftist Group Petitions FBI for Investigations into Pro-Gun Groups

( --, a cabal of leftist organizations who want to equate Constitutional political activity with domestic terror, recently sent a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller requesting that the FBI investigate and prosecute their political opponents. Though the accused organizations have widely different mainstream political efforts, all of the accused groups and individuals have strong gun-rights positions.

Tucson Tragedy Used to Beat the Drums for More Gun Control

( — For at least the rest of the week, will continue to compile links to stories that document the threats being made to 2nd Amendment and other speech and property rights under the pretext of the Tucson tragedy.

CCRKBA Deplores Arizona Shooting, Subsequent Exploitation

( -- A release from the CCRKBA: The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is condemning Saturday's attempted assassination of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the murders of six people including a federal judge and a 9-year-old child, for which a 22-year-old Tucson man is now facing charges.

Gun Owners of America issues statement on Arizona shooting

( -- Gun Owners of America issued an email alert in response to New York Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy's call for magazine and gun show bans in the wake of shooting of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords over the weekend.

Giving a Firearm as a Gift? Some Reminders from NSSF

( —The holidays are here. As hunters, shooters, collectors or just plain plinkers, it's a natural instinct to want to share our enjoyment of firearms with others. What better way to do that than to make a gift of a firearm to a family member, close friend or relative?

Videos on!

( -- New Videos: 1: Tips on buying a gun safe, including internal features, setup, and locating. 2: Todd Jarrett demonstrates how shooting on the move using Crimson Trace laser sights helps accuracy. 3: Watch how to operate and maintain the H&K .22 Rimfire 416 D145RS Tactical Rifle.

Auction Arms Guns for Sale: Stoeger Coach Gun, Browning BAR

( -- Auction Arms has several active auctions for interesting guns that will close the week of Nov. 28. To find out more about the guns beyond the seller’s description, click the links to to get specifications and unbiased testing information.

Election Wrap-Up: Strong Showing for Pro-Industry, Pro-Gun Candidates

Following an unprecedented and robust midterm NSSF Voter Education campaign, including the establishment of an NSSF Political Action Committee, the 2010 elections proved to be exceptionally strong for pro-industry candidates at both the federal and state levels. In the election, Republicans took back control of the House of Representatives while picking up six seats in the Senate and 10 governorships.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...