
Dear President Calderon: Check Your Own Backyard

( -- The NRA-ILA has noted that blaming America for Mexico’s problems has been something of a national pastime for Mexican politicians for many years.

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( -- New Videos: 1: Aimpoint's new offerings at SHOT Show 2011. 2: Insight's AA weapon light, WL1-AA, a first.‬ 3: American Tactical Imports covers the Just Right Carbine.

Gun News from Around the Web: Mar 28-Apr 3 aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for '' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

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( -- New Videos: 1:'s Kevin Winkle gets the lowdown on Steiner's 2011 glass offerings. 2: Learn how to install the Blackhawk SpecOps Recoil Reducing Adjustable Shotgun Buttstock and forend. 3: Sig Arms Academy Director of Training and USAR Team shooting coach George Harris talks about competition shooting. What good is competition? Competition puts stress on you and teaches you how to use stress to your advantage.

Gun News from Around the Web: Mar 21-27, 2011 aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for '' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

CCRKBA: ‘President Can’t Tell Gun ‘Safety’ Advocates from Prohibitionists’

( -- President Obama's well-intentioned Sunday essay on gun rights in a Tucson newspaper demonstrates that he — and probably his entire administration — remains confused about firearms safety and gun control, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said Monday.

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( -- New Videos: 1: Sig Arms Academy Director of Training and USAR Team shooting coach George Harris talks about competition shooting. What good is competition? Competition puts stress on you and teaches you how to use stress to your advantage. 2: NSSF's Ryan Cleckner explains the measurement term 'minute of angle' (MOA) and how to use MOA adjustments on your scope for sighting in and to compensate for bullet drop at varying distances. 3: Ruger's Beginner's Guide to Shooting Competitions series takes you through a variety of matches to help you find an event that's right for you. In this episode we take a close look at the biathlon rifle and how it is specialized to this specific sport. US Ski Team member Annelies Cook tells you why the biathlon rifle is so very different than anything else on the market.

Obama Uses Tucson Shootings to Blame States for NICS Failures

( -- President Barack Obama had a bylined op-ed in the Arizona Daily Star on Sunday. In it, he creates a fictional number of additional deaths attributable to guns since the Tucson shooting, suggests that gunowners ignore gun violence (we see it and want to protect ourselves from it!), blames states for shortfalls in the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) system rather than the federal government's implementation. But the real laugher is this: 'Third, we should make the system faster and nimbler. We should provide an instant, accurate, comprehensive and consistent system for background checks to sellers who want to do the right thing, and make sure that criminals can't escape it.'

An Open Letter to NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg

( -- Rabbi Dovid Bendory, the Rabbinic Director for the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, has written an open letter to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg questioning his 'blatant disregard [for] the Second Amendment.

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( -- New Videos: 1: Kevin Winkle of reports from SHOT Show 2011 in Las Vegas on the S&W MP22 handgun. This pistol is a joint project between Smith & Wesson and Walther, and is made in Germany. 2: Small arms instructor and AMU reserve shooting team member SFC Chris Hansen discusses trigger control and how to improve it. He says that shooters tend to ‘get hard’ on the trigger, or jerk it. The drill he discusses will improve trigger control without having to shoot the rifle. 3: The National Shooting Sports Foundation's 'Introduction to Range Safety and Etiquette' is an 8 minute video that rules of gun safety, eye and ear protection, range rules, and more.

Gun News from Around the Web: Feb 28, 2011 aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for '' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

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( -- New Videos: 1: Reservist John Buol Jr., editor of American Gunsmith magazine, introduces the A drill useful for handgun shooting, the Bullet Hole drill is explained by MSG George Harris. Get 3 yards away, shoot once on a blank target, use that as our aiming area. If you use the front sight on top of that hole, the shots should either group on the shot, or if the sight isn't zeroed, group together off the hole. 2:'s Kevin Winkle interview's S&W's Jerry Miculek on coming introductions to the Performance Center line. The new AR barrel has a melonite finish on the inside, so the barrel life is almost 4X the standard AR. 3: Here's a pistol drill from Viking Tactics. The Reload Drill will be part of Viking's Pistol DVD 1.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...