Video Tech Tips: USAR Safety Tips
John M. Buol Jr. introduces USAR Team Shooting Coach MSG George Harris, who covers the vital topic of safety at the shooting range. Tip: The goal is to leave the range with the same number of holes you came with. Product Minute Video: Galco TacSlide Holster
Mike Barham, media liasion for Galco Holsters, explains the benefits and features of the TacSlide belt holster.
NRA-ILA: Bloomberg Flat-Out Lies in New Ad Campaign
( -- Last week, the most visible gun control advocate in this country, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, appeared on MSNBC and CNN, promoting his new TV ad urging that Congress impose so-called 'terrorist watchlist' gun control legislation. The ad features an edited portion of the well-known video of a scraggly-looking al Qaeda misfit claiming -- falsely -- that jihadists can buy machine guns at gun shows in the United States, without a background check. Video: Midway’s Basics of Revolver Operation
Watch as Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA, demonstrates the basic safety and operational features of revolvers.
Firearms Industry Warns Retailers of Anti-gun Survey
( -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is urging extreme caution should retailers decide to participate in a firearms licensee survey being distributed by anti-gun researcher and activist Garen Wintemute and his colleagues at the University of California at Davis. Product Minute Video: EoTech EXPS2-0
( -- Amy Miller, media relations manager for EoTech, talks about the newest holographic weapons sight from the company, the EXPS2-0. Video Tech Tips: Smart Carbine Practice
( -- Dave Spaulding, winner of the 2010 Trainer of the Year award by Law Officer Magazine, has returned for a second series of self-defense tips for shooters. In Ruger Tactical Carbine Tips, Spaulding focuses on the popular AR-style carbine to explain a host of techniques and help prepare shooters for an array of combat situation.
Tip: How to Keep Your Perfectly Good Firearm from Becoming a Paper Weight
( -- One of the things I stress to gun owners is to save the broken part so a gunsmith will at least have something to physically measure and copy, even if it is in pieces. I was fortunate in this instance as I had the same pistol and could remove and measure the part so that I could reproduce it.
Videos on!
( -- New Videos: 1: In this video from the NRA Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh, Kevin Winkle of interviews Angela Leslie, assistant marketing manager of long guns for Beretta. She details features on the A400 Explor, a new 3.5 inch semiauto shotgun. 2: In this video from the NRA Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh, Kevin Winkle of interviews Colt Marketing Manager Michael Guerra on the rebirth of the Colt Mustang PocketLite, not made since the 1990s. 3: Kevin Winkle of interviews Phil Schrier, senior curator of the National Firearms Museum at the NRA Annual Meeting.
Cool Things at the NRA Annual Meetings: National Firearms Museum
( -- Kevin Winkle of interviews Phil Schrier, senior curator of the National Firearms Museum at the NRA Annual Meeting.
Videos on!
( -- New Videos: 1: The M40 Sniper System (today called the M24) is based on the Remington Model 700 rifle. Here's a brief history. 2: This video showcases what is included in the Brownells tactical charging handle kit. 3: Laurie introduces the new RugerSR-556E 'essential' version of the popular Ruger SR-556 rifle.
Did the HK416 Fire the Fatal OBL Shot?
( -- The Soldier Systems blog recently ran through several well-informed guesses on what actual firearm might have fired the fatal shot into the head of OBL, aka UBL. Here's the latest speculation from them, with earlier guesses in [ ]: