
NBC Shows Anti-Gun Bias . . . Again

Larry Keane, general counsel of the NSSF, weighed in recently on the biased reporting about Remington firearms by NBC’s Rock Center program.

National Review Online:SYG Laws Not a ‘License to Murder’

The editors of National Review Online recently did a clean, clear job of reacting to demands that self-defense laws enacted in many states to protect victims don't get repealed because of the Trayvon Martin case in Florida. From the article:

F&F is Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal

Katie Pavlich, news editor at, has written a new book called Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up.

Oil Filter Suppressor Adapter a Hoot

The Econo-Can is a patent-pending legal and registered silencer by American Specialty Ammo. It actually is an adapter that uses a removable expansion chamber — aka a car oil filter — to suppress the firearm. The video below shows that this device is as quiet as any 22 LR silencer we have tested. But it’s not a toy or novelty. It’s a registered silencer and must be treated as such. The adapter is threaded 1/2-28. This is a NFA item and all NFA rules and regulations apply. Price: $55.

Nugent Dishes It Out at NRAAM

Conservative rocker Ted Nugent accused President Obama of running a “vile, evil, America-hating administration” during a weekend appearance at the National Rifle Association convention. He was interviewed at the NRA Annual Meetings by NRA radio host Cam Edwards.

Keane: Second AmendmentNot Responsiblefor Mexico’s Gun Violence

Larry Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, recently clarified just where guns in Mexico come from -- and it's not primarily the U.S. He wrote, 'During his recent visit to the White House, Mexico President Felipe Calderon renewed his call for a U.S. assault weapons ban as a solution to the drug cartel-caused violence that plagues his country. He also claimed, according to columnist Bill Press, that violence levels are directly related to the number of guns in circulation. Both of these assertions are demonstrably false.'

John Lott: Obamaused to treathim as ‘evil’

Economist John Lott, noted for his academic advocacy of gun rights, says that when Barack Obama was his colleague at the University of Chicago, the future president treated him as if he were “evil.”

Huffpo Wingnut Blames Martin Incident on NRA, Gun Industry

Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center, went wingnut on the Huffington Post recently, blaming the death of Trayvon Martin on the NRA and marketing by gun manufacturers.

Two Great NRA Ads

If you haven't seen these NRA Bill of Rights ads yet, then stop for a moment, download them, and take a close look. The deck reads, 'Before anyone edits the Bill of Rights, the authors would like a word with you.'

Kopel: Anti-gun advocatesmislead on Trayvon caseto erode right to self-defense

In a Washington Times column on April 2, Second Amendment legal scholar David Kopel examined how anti-gun lobbies are purposely misstating how Florida’s “stand your ground” works.

Holder on Video: ‘Brainwash people’ to be anti-gun

A C-SPAN video from January 30, 1995, shows Eric Holder advocating that people should be 'brainwashed' into supporting gun control. Holder, now attorney general of the United States, is shown on the video supporting using Hollywood, the media and government officials to “really brainwash people” into opposing firearm ownership. Holder, who was then the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, was addressing the Women’s National Democratic Club on Jan. 30, 1995. In his speech, he held up anti-smoking campaigns as a model for an anti-gun campaign.

At CTD: The Myth of Handgun “Stopping Power”

Online retailer Cheaper Than Dirt recently posted an extended discussion entitled “The Myth of Handgun Stopping Power” in the company’s Shooter’s Log. Technical writer “CTD Mike” wrote, “When it comes to ammunition selection for personal defense, we need to separate real from hype before making a purchase. If you make a bad purchase on a vacuum or a home gym, you are likely to be a bit embarrassed. Making a bad purchase on defensive ammunition could have dire consequences. Let’s talk about some fundamentals so you’ll be able to make an informed decision.”

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...