
Fast and Furious: Why Eric Holder Will Lose The Legal Fight

Federal courts could soon decide a fight between Congress and Attorney General Eric Holder on the Operation Fast and Furious gun-running scandal, writes legal contributor Ken Klukowski, a member of the faculty at Liberty University School of Law.

Are Gun Voters Demented Political Junkies?

Jeff Knox at wrote recently, '[Less than] 200 days away from what will undoubtedly be one of the most important elections in US history, and most of the country still isn't even paying attention yet. Of course, those of you reading this have been paying attention for years, even decades, but that's because you're all freaks and oddballs like me. At least that's what the majority thinks of us.'

Breyer Wants More Protection; But Not for ‘Us’

Gun Rights Examiner reporter David Codrea wrote recently, 'An early May robbery at the Washington, D.C. home of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was the second time the jurist has been victimized since February, The Washington Post reported Thursday. While no one was home in this latest incident, the earlier one involved the jurist and his wife being confronted by a machete-wielding home invader at their Caribbean vacation house.'

MAIG Coordinators Paid Big Bucks as City Employees

Sean Caranna, Executive Director of Florida Carry, Inc. has tracked down how anti-gun staffers associated with the Mayors Against Illegal Guns group are paid with public money. He details the scam on his blog, All Nine Yards:

Cali May Move to Ban Bullet Button

California State Senator Leland Yee is moving to outlaw the “bullet button,” an AR-15 accessory that enables “fixed” magazines to be removed quickly with the tip of a bullet or other pointed object.

LEGO Heavy Weapons: Let Jr. Build a SPAS Brick by Brick

LEGO Heavy Weapons: Build Working Replicas of Four of the World’s Most Impressive Guns by Jack Streat gives instructions on how to build 1:1 LEGO replicas of “the world’s most iconic firearms.”

Video: The Kel-Tec KSG 12-Gauge Pump in Action

The Kel-Tec KSG pump shotgun is a 12-gauge bullpup that’s as short as most submachine guns. The Cylinder bore barrel is 18.5 inches long, but the KSG is still shorter in OAL than the typical police shotgun with a 14-inch barrel. The gun will feed and chamber 3-inch ammunition, but 2.75-inch shotshells provide higher capacity and lower recoil. The accompanying video shows what it looks like in action:

Video: What to Do During a Traffic Stop

Lethal Force Institute’s Massad Ayoob gives a lesson on what to do if you are stopped with firearms in your vehicle. These essential tips will teach you how to safely interact with police when carrying a firearm while driving. (3:47).

Media Matters Doesn’t Really Matter

The group Media Matters for America hates NRA. Few organizations have more strongly proclaimed their disdain for our right to keep and bear arms and self-protection, says the NRA-ILA.

Friend of Gun Tests Announces Clothing Line

Gun Tests adviser and trainer Brian Hoffner, a 30-year veteran of the Houston Police Department, has gotten into the fashion business with his new American Tactical Apparel line of clothing.

NSSF Respondsto ATF Mexican Trace Report

ATF yesterday released a report on firearms submitted by the government of Mexico for tracing since 2007. One screaming headline referred to the “Vast Majority of Mexican Crime Guns Originate in U.S. New ATF Trace Data Reveals.” If you have been following the issue of Mexican gun traces on this blog, you will realize the truth is a rapidly shrinking “Vast Majority” and the so-called “flood” of guns going into Mexico moves at glacier-like speed.

NRA-ILA Debunks Highway Bill Anti-Gun Rumors

NRA-ILA writes that reports have been circulating regarding S. 1813--a highway bill recently passed by the U.S. Senate. The story goes that this bill would allow the IRS to seize your passport and your guns if you owe more than $50,000 in back taxes. The claims are totally bogus, says NRA-ILA.

Worrisome Questions From SCOTUS

I am uneasy after hearing oral arguments in the Supreme Court case, Garland v. VanDerStok, and reviewing a transcript from the October 8, 2024 session....