
Black Women and Guns in Texas

UCLA Prof. Eugene Volokh, writing on the Volokh Conspiracy, recently posted a demographic study of which group was the fastest-growing cohort to become concealed carry licensees in Texas.

Florida Judge Calls Law to Protect Gun Owners Rights a “Legislative Illusion”

In a July 5 letter to Florida-based NRA members and friends, Marion P. Hammer, NRA Past President and current Unified Sportsmen of Florida Executive Director, wrote:

U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Drafting Starts Next Week

The latest attempt by the U.N. and global gun banners to eliminate Second Amendment freedoms is to include civilian arms in the current Arms Trade Treaty, the language of which will be finalized next month.

NRA Says Magazine Ran Fast & Furious Disinformation Piece

In support of Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. and his congressional allies this week was an obviously coordinated media campaign, aimed at rewriting the history of 'Fast and Furious' and smearing the whistleblowing BATFE agents who alerted Congress to the scandal, the NRA-ILA reports.

NSSF on Google’s Anti-gun Policy

Larry Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, lambasted Google for its recent no-gun-results shopping policy:

Fast And Furious: Executive Privilege Is Illegitimate to Shield Wrongdoing

Todd Gaziano, Director of the Center for Legal & Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation and a former lawyer in the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel, recently called into question President Obama's using executive privilege to shield Fast & Furious documents from scrutiny:

NRA Applauds Resolution that Recommends Finding Holder in Contempt of Congress

By a vote of 23 to 17, the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform passed a resolution recommending that the House find Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. in contempt of Congress.

Fast & Furious: House Committee Holds Eric Holder in Contempt

A House panel voted Wednesday to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt for failing to cooperate with a congressional inquiry into Operation “Fast and Furious,” hours after President Obama asserted executive privilege over related documents, the Washington Post reports.

McMillan Dumps BofA, Now Banks with National Bank of Arizona

Kelly McMillan, managing general partner of McMillan Group International, which formerly did business with Bank of America until BofA company executives told him they preferred not to work with gun companies, extends his thanks to everyone who supported McMillan and 2nd Amendment rights. McMillan’s company is now banking with National Bank of Arizona.

Chicago Tribune: The futility of gun turn-ins

Criminals will have trouble finding any appeal in [an offer to turn in their guns]. In the first place, their weapons may have cost far more than $100, as handguns and long guns of good quality usually do.

Cheaper Than Dirt! Asks Customers: Are You Buying Guns? Tell Us Why

A recent post on's 'Shooter's Log' blog has generated hundreds of customer comments in response to a simple question: 'Are You Buying Guns? Tell Us Why.'

NRA-ILA: Keep the Good News Coming

There has been some good news related to guns lately, reports NRA-ILA. Pro-Second Amendment Gov. Scott Walker's 7-point victory in the recent recall elections in Wisconsin--a great victory for gun owners in its own right--calls into question Mr. Obama's ability to win that state, which he carried by 13 percentage points in 2008.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...