
Dave Kopel: Insights into Colorado Gun Laws

Writing in an opinion piece for the Denver Post, David B. Kopel, research director for the Independence Institute and an adjunct professor of advanced constitutional law at the University of Denver, made some excellent points about what the state’s gun laws cover and don’t cover. From the editorial:

Video: Introduction to the 300 AAC Blackout, with Exploding Watermelons

The 300 AAC Blackout has taken the AR world by storm. Its versatility combined with its ease of manufacture make it an attractive option for those looking to do more with their AR-15s. This Twang & Bang video is an introduction to the 300 BLK.

Armed Utah citizen stops knife attack

Here is a video that didn’t get national coverage because a responsible, armed, trained citizen was present and took care of a threat immediately.

Methodist Church politicizes Aurora deaths, attacks NRA, calls for gun bans

The national United Methodist Church didn't just call for prayer after the cinema shootings. Instead, the United Methodist Church's General Board of Church & Society stepped up on the bodies of the dead and wounded in Colorado to call for a ban on handguns and semi-auto defense rifles.

Colorado Gun Sales Surge After the Aurora Massacre

Background checks for people wanting to purchase firearms in Colorado spiked more than 40 percent this past weekend, after a gunman opened fire in a suburban Denver movie theater, killing 12 people and wounding 58 more.

BATF Head Video: ‘Consequences’ for Whistleblowing

BATFE's acting director distributed a videotaped message to employees this month warning there would be “consequences” for reporting wrongdoing outside their chain of command.

Black Women and Guns in Texas

UCLA Prof. Eugene Volokh, writing on the Volokh Conspiracy, recently posted a demographic study of which group was the fastest-growing cohort to become concealed carry licensees in Texas.

Florida Judge Calls Law to Protect Gun Owners Rights a “Legislative Illusion”

In a July 5 letter to Florida-based NRA members and friends, Marion P. Hammer, NRA Past President and current Unified Sportsmen of Florida Executive Director, wrote:

U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Drafting Starts Next Week

The latest attempt by the U.N. and global gun banners to eliminate Second Amendment freedoms is to include civilian arms in the current Arms Trade Treaty, the language of which will be finalized next month.

NRA Says Magazine Ran Fast & Furious Disinformation Piece

In support of Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. and his congressional allies this week was an obviously coordinated media campaign, aimed at rewriting the history of 'Fast and Furious' and smearing the whistleblowing BATFE agents who alerted Congress to the scandal, the NRA-ILA reports.

NSSF on Google’s Anti-gun Policy

Larry Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, lambasted Google for its recent no-gun-results shopping policy:

Fast And Furious: Executive Privilege Is Illegitimate to Shield Wrongdoing

Todd Gaziano, Director of the Center for Legal & Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation and a former lawyer in the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel, recently called into question President Obama's using executive privilege to shield Fast & Furious documents from scrutiny:

Worrisome Questions From SCOTUS

I am uneasy after hearing oral arguments in the Supreme Court case, Garland v. VanDerStok, and reviewing a transcript from the October 8, 2024 session....