
Is the Duty-Carry Revolver Done?

I pulled up to the range, and my comrade had his guns out while he organized his ammo. He already put some holes in a paper target, which sat in the middle of the three-sided berm. His Colt Python had some steam coming off the barrel. When I asked about why he carried a little 9mm instead of that intimidating Colt, he said he felt that it was simply obsolete.

NRA’s Cox Notes Not-So-Subtle Change in Dem Party Platform

This from NRA-ILA's Chris Cox: President Obama is running from a crime scene.

Washington Times: ATF Reduces Due Process for Seizing Firearms

A Washington Times editorial says the Obama administration is making it easier for bureaucrats to take away guns without offering the accused any realistic due process.

Three Pocket Guns Compared from Kahr, Chiappa, and Springfield

Austin Miller, contributing editor for Gun Tests magazine and a contributor to, and video producer J.T. Woodard travel to Tactical Firearms in Katy, Texas, to begin testing a unusual trio of handguns for an upcoming issue of Gun Tests.

School District Forces Deaf Preschooler to Change Name Sign

In years past, zero-tolerance weapons policies in overzealous school districts have ensnared students for 'weapons' such as a Cub Scout camping utensil, a 2-inch Lego toy gun and even a misappropriated chicken finger. But last week, Grand Island Public Schools officials in Grand Island, Neb. went for the record in zero-tolerance hysteria when they sought to bar a three-year-old deaf student from using his name, the NRA-ILA reports.

Physics Prof Rebuffed Over Canceling Classes with “Carry” Students

University of Colorado Chancellor Phil DiStefano recently notified the Boulder campus faculty members -- in particular Professor Jerry Peterson, chairman of the Boulder Faculty Assembly -- that professors 'do not have the right to shut down a class or refuse to teach' should they learn that one of their students is lawfully carrying a gun under a concealed-carry permit.

GOP May Approve ‘Super’ Pro-Gun Platform

Delegates to the Republican National Convention are considering the most pro-gun political platform ever, supporting national concealed-carry reciprocity, opposing domestic restrictions on ammunition sales, and resisting United Nations interference in gun sales.

Hunter Numbers Up 9% Between 2006 and 2011, Preliminary National Report Shows

The number of hunters age 16 and older in the United States increased 9 percent between 2006 and 2011, reversing a previous downward trend, a preliminary report from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Department of the Interior shows.

Anti-AR SB 249 bill pulled from California hearing calendar

Due to overwhelming grassroots opposition from law-abiding gun owners and California’s firearms industry members, SB 249 was pulled from the Assembly Appropriations Committee hearing calendar for Thursday, Aug. 16. This means that the bill is dead for the year.

NSSF Offers Colleges $300,000 in Grants To Expand Collegiate Shooting Programs

( — To encourage collegiate target shooting at both varsity and club levels, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is inviting schools to apply for a total of $300,000 in grants to be awarded through its Collegiate Shooting Sports Initiative.NSSF, the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry, has awarded more than $650,000 to 75 colleges to help establish, expand and sustain shooting clubs and teams. Grant applications are available at…

Colorado University-Boulder allows guns in some family housing units

The University of Colorado will not allow students to bring guns into the Boulder campus dorms this fall, though residents who have concealed-carry permits will be allowed to keep weapons in a limited number of family housing units, school officials announced.

NRA-ILA not worried about federal LE agencies’ ammo buys

You may recently have seen some in the Internet rumor mill feverishly stirring up fear about recent acquisitions of ammunition by the Department of Homeland Security and a number of smaller agencies. The mildest writers have questioned why seemingly mundane agencies would need ammunition at all; more incendiary authors wrongly suggest that these government agencies are preparing for a war with the American people, NRA-ILA comments.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...