
U.S. Army Junior Air Rifle Championship Underway

The 2013 U.S. Army Junior Air Rifle Championship, conducted by the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, is underway. The USAMU is keeping with its long-standing tradition of supporting America's youth by sponsoring the event for the sixth time after a one-year hiatus.

Cocked, Locked and Ready to Rock! Cooper’s Conditions Explained

Colonel Jeff Cooper, one of the masters of self-defense handgun methods and training believed that the 1911 was the perfect combat handgun, writes CTD Suzanne on the Cheaper Than Dirt! blog.

Cook County Board Proposes Firearm Tax to Fund Gun Control Organizations

The Cook County Board's plan to punish citizens who purchase firearms has gone from bad to worse with the announcement of a so called 'compromise' plan, according to a release today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA).

Obama Administration Still Trying to Cover up Fast & Furious

Fast & Furious is in the news again. The Obama Administration recently filed court papers to get the lawsuit filed by the House of Representatives against Attorney General Eric Holder thrown out, according to the Gun Owners of America.

Oklahoma: 12-Year-Old Girl Defends Herself from Home Invader

According to a story in The Oklahoman newspaper (Oklahoma City), Kendra St. Clair, 12, was at home alone in Durant, Okla. when a man began banging on the front door. Frightened, Kendra called her mother at work, who told her to retrieve a .40-caliber pistol and to hide in the bathroom closet.

Lawmakers Demand Update On ‘Fast And Furious’ Personnel

Two lawmakers investigating Fast and Furious are demanding an update on personnel actions taken by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives after a lengthy investigation by Congress and the Justice Department inspector general.

Oklahoma Open Carry Starts Nov. 1

In Oklahoma, anyone with a handgun permit can soon openly carry a firearm. Senate Bill 1733, signed by Gov. Mary Fallin on May 15, amends the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act to allow the open carrying of a firearm with a license and a few restrictions. After the bill goes into effect on Nov. 1, the more than 140,000 Oklahomans with a handgun license will no longer be required to have their weapon concealed in public.

Anti-Gun UC-Davis Study of Retailers Biased, NSSF Says

Larry Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, recently wrote about an article appeared in the Journal of Urban Health, “Characteristics of Federally Licensed Firearms Retailers and Retail Establishments in the United States: Initial Findings from the Firearms Licensee Survey” by Dr. Garen Wintemute, director of the Violence Prevention Program, University of California, Davis.

NRA’s Website Details President’s Gun Record

The NRA has created a specialized website called that asks gunowners to take a look at President Obama’s anti-gun history. And then the site says, “Now imagine our future if he is re-elected.

CMP Offering Scholarships to Qualified High School Students

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is taking applications for its $1,000 annual college scholarship program, available to all graduating high school seniors who participate in rifle or pistol marksmanship competitions.

Stevens’ Push On Guns Underscores Importance Of High Court Nominees

Monday's high-profile prodding by retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens for Congress to do something, and for presidential candidates to say something, about gun control proves the importance of who is in the White House and the U.S. Senate to make and confirm high court nominations, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Univision Connects Fast and Furious to Mexican Massacre

A Univision television report blames the Obama administration for helping fuel violence and a war between Mexican drug cartels because of Fast and Furious, which began in 2009. At that time, the report said, “the ATF and Arizona prosecutors told gun-store owners to sell weapons without restrictions to suspicious buyers.”

Worrisome Questions From SCOTUS

I am uneasy after hearing oral arguments in the Supreme Court case, Garland v. VanDerStok, and reviewing a transcript from the October 8, 2024 session....