CBS links Belcher murder-suicide to a lack of gun control inside the NFL
Jim Axelrod filed a one-sided report on Tuesday's CBS This Morning linking the Jovan Belcher murder-suicide to a lack of gun control inside the NFL. Axelrod sourced the piece with only gun-control advocates – Brady Center flack Marcellus Wiley, NBC's Bob Costas, and New York Times sportswriter William Rhoden.
Illinois: Quinn Gun Ban Defeated in Springfield
Governor Patrick Quinn’s procedural maneuver this week to enact a gun ban (previously reported here) was defeated by the Illinois House of Representatives as they convened for a veto session, NRA-ILA reports.
City attorney: lock your doors and load your guns
The city attorney of San Bernardino recently told residents to “lock their doors and load their guns” during a city council meeting. The official explained that because the city is bankrupt and slashing public safety budgets, people will need to start protecting themselves, reports.
Massachusetts: Emergency License Renewal Legislation Filed
Representative George Peterson and Senator Richard Moore will be filing emergency legislation to address the Massachusetts firearm licensing crisis in the next few days, says the Gun Owners' Action League (GOAL) in Massachusetts.
2012 Elections: Defeat for the NRA?
Writing at the American Prospect, Paul Waldman asserts that the NRA had a bad 2012 election season. In fact, he wrote, “they lost almost everywhere they tried to make a difference.”
Glock 30SF 45 ACP
In an evaluation of 45 ACP subcompacts, Gun Tests magazine asked how best to package the big bullet in a small concealable machine. The $687 Glock G30SF feeds from a high-capacity magazine with rounds compressed in a staggered column. Its ignition is via a striker system, and the frame is polymer, not steel.
U.S. Army Junior Air Rifle Championship Underway
The 2013 U.S. Army Junior Air Rifle Championship, conducted by the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, is underway. The USAMU is keeping with its long-standing tradition of supporting America's youth by sponsoring the event for the sixth time after a one-year hiatus.
Cocked, Locked and Ready to Rock! Coopers Conditions Explained
Colonel Jeff Cooper, one of the masters of self-defense handgun methods and training believed that the 1911 was the perfect combat handgun, writes CTD Suzanne on the Cheaper Than Dirt! blog.
Cook County Board Proposes Firearm Tax to Fund Gun Control Organizations
The Cook County Board's plan to punish citizens who purchase firearms has gone from bad to worse with the announcement of a so called 'compromise' plan, according to a release today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA).
Obama Administration Still Trying to Cover up Fast & Furious
Fast & Furious is in the news again. The Obama Administration recently filed court papers to get the lawsuit filed by the House of Representatives against Attorney General Eric Holder thrown out, according to the Gun Owners of America.
Oklahoma: 12-Year-Old Girl Defends Herself from Home Invader
According to a story in The Oklahoman newspaper (Oklahoma City), Kendra St. Clair, 12, was at home alone in Durant, Okla. when a man began banging on the front door. Frightened, Kendra called her mother at work, who told her to retrieve a .40-caliber pistol and to hide in the bathroom closet.
Lawmakers Demand Update On ‘Fast And Furious’ Personnel
Two lawmakers investigating Fast and Furious are demanding an update on personnel actions taken by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives after a lengthy investigation by Congress and the Justice Department inspector general.