Hornady Wants You in the Game
Ammunition maker Hornady is asking its customers to 'protect your rights' by providing a form letter gun owners can use and send to political representatives.
From GOA: Your activism is making a huge difference!
According to a recent letter from Gun Owners of America's Larry Pratt, the Left is not happy at all with Gun Owners of America.
Obama: Shooting All the Time
The White House released a photograph that they claim depicts President Obama skeet shooting at Camp David. They warned the internet not to alter it, which is basically like demanding that an alcoholic ignore a free bar. Here are few modifications the staff at the The Patriot Post came up with. Feel free to add more in the comments below.
Funny: Journalist’s Guide to Firearms Identification
As discussions continue about gun and magazine bans, talking heads on the TV get their gun terminology all messed up. Maybe it's because the reference they're using isn't quite up to snuff:
Skeptical Congresswoman Challenges Obama To Skeet Shooting Match
Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tennessee, joined a chorus of skeptics who questioned President Barack Obama's recent comments about his hobby of skeet shooting.
GOA: Biden Proposals Would Affect 50-80% of All Guns
Press reports now make it clear what Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control package will look like. Biden wants to impose:
SHOT Show Opening Marks 35 Years
Nearly 60,000 industry professionals will attend the highly anticipated 35th anniversary of the Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade ShowTM (SHOT Show®) at the Las Vegas Sands Expo and Convention Center January 15-18.
Why So Few Reports of Legitimate Self-Defense, CCRKBA Asks
Anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was 'half-right' when he told NBC's Jimmy Fallon that there is 'scant coverage' of other firearms news, because there is virtually no coverage of self-defense uses every day, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says.
Harry Reid Prepares to Annihilate Second Amendment
On Election Day last November, several Democrat Senators were campaigning for reelection in pro-gun states. And in order to get their constituents’ votes, they promised fealty to the Second Amendment.
The Dirty Dozen: Wildlife Groups that Want to End Hunting
There are groups that undermine and manipulate systems across America to end hunting, trapping and fishing. These same “less-than-honest” groups also often then exploit wildlife and conservation issues in the name of raising dollars for their devious causes. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance has identified a dozen organizations that have taken efforts in the past year to prevent you from hunting or trapping:
Illinois Gun and Magazine Ban Measures Move Out of Committee
On Wednesday, Illinois Senate Democrats advanced bans on semiautomatic rifles and pistols and some magazines.
FBI Reports Record Gun Sales Last Month Up 1 Million over December 2011
The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Wednesday that it had conducted a record number of instant background checks on those wishing to buy firearms in December