
How to Disassemble Marlin Lever-Action Rifles

The glory days for Marlin were from the early 1880s up to about the turn of the century, a time when they manufactured an impressive line of high-quality lever-action rifles and carbines. Marlin's lever-actions were also offered in a wide range of calibers and sizes. These ranged from large rifles to handle big-game calibers to medium-framed rifles in pistol calibers (such as the .44-40 Winchester) down to small .22-caliber rimfire versions. The original Marlins were…

NSSF President Discusses Industry Priorities with Nation’s Wildlife Professionals

A summit meeting last week brought together professionals from state fish and game agencies and leaders of the firearms, ammunition, archery, and fishing and recreational boating industries–all of which pay excise taxes to support the American tradition of outdoor recreation.

B&C Records: Whitetail, Sheep, Grizzly Entries on the Rise

Trophy-class specimens of whitetail deer, Stone's sheep, Dall's sheep, desert sheep and grizzly bears are becoming more common afield, based on newly compiled records by the Boone and Crockett Club. However, trophy records are declining for caribou.

NSSF Updates Firearms Retailer Survey Results

For the past five years, the National Shooting Sports Foundation has surveyed federally licensed firearms retailers across the country to find out what products are the biggest sellers and who is buying. NSSF has just issued the latest version of that report from an online survey conducted last month. The data shows which types of firearms and ammunition were most popular in 2012, and at the same time allows retailers to compare their businesses to that of other gun stores across the country.

CCRKBA: Data Conflicts with Gun Control Rhetoric

Newly-released data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) proves that more guns in private hands do not lead to more murders, and a Pew Research study showing widespread ignorance of this fact suggests that the public has been misled, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says.

NSSF Statement on Passage of Connecticut Legislation

The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry based in Newtown, Conn., issued the following statement new gun-control laws in the state:

Set up Your Scope for Success

Ryan Cleckner shares his process for properly setting up your rifle and scope combination so that it naturally aligns with your eye. (NSSF Video)

Rifle Sight-in Process, With Two Tips Most Shooters Will Never Do

Ryan Cleckner shares his process for sighting in a scoped rifle. There are some basics here, including bore-sighting, starting with a short 25-yard shot to get on the paper, and shooting groups before making adjustments at 100 yards. Two items at the end are also worth considering: slipping the scales and finding mechanical zero.

Lengthening Chambers and Forcing Cones

There are many reasons for the shotgun ‘smith to lengthen these internal dimensions. Here's how to accomplish the tasks.

Handgun Value Previews: 380s and 357s from Beretta, CZ, Colt, and S&W

Gun Tests’ Houston- and Idaho-based test teams take detailed looks at two very different sets of handguns in the April 2013 issue of the magazine.

Gun Tests April 2013 Preview: Hunting Rifles from Weatherby, Howa, T/C

Gun Tests’ Houston- and Idaho-based test teams take detailed looks at traditional bolt-action hunting rifles by Weatherby, Howa, and Thompson/Center in the April 2013 issue of the magazine.

73 and Counting: Manufacturer Participationin LE Sales Restriction Grows

Since an article appeared in the Cheaper Than Dirt! Shooter's Log last week about a handful of manufacturers not selling equipment to state and local law enforcement that local citizens can't own, 65 additional companies have joined the effort.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...