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At the range, we used three loads. The Black Hills Ammunition 200-grain lead semi-wadcutter bullet was our training and practice load. Next, the Hornady American Gunner 185-grain XTP represented a lightweight-bullet defense load, and the Winchester M1911 230-grain jacketed hollowpoint stood in as a heavy defense load. These are affordable 45 ACP choices likely to be used by shooters. We expected that heavy bullets with a long bearing surface would demonstrate good accuracy, but in this case, the lightest bullet weight gave the best accuracy. Also, our shooters noted the heavier push of the 230-grain load.

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The high-capacity 9mmhandgun continues to be apopular personal-defensechoice, for good reason.Many of the fi nest handguns in theworld are chambered for the 9mmLuger cartridge and nothing else. Ina handgun of 30 ounces or so, loadedrecoil is light to manageable. Practicalaccuracy may be outstanding. Amagazine capacity of 15 rounds ormore is reassuring and gives a goodreserve of ammunition. With theseconsiderations in mind, we testedtwo modern economy-grade 9mmhandguns whose performance wasacceptable, especially consideringthe price, though our shooters foundwe liked one pistol better.

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Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...