Specialty Longguns

Video: Introduction to the 300 AAC Blackout, with Exploding Watermelons

The 300 AAC Blackout has taken the AR world by storm. Its versatility combined with its ease of manufacture make it an attractive option for those looking to do more with their AR-15s. This Twang & Bang video is an introduction to the 300 BLK.

Savage Cancels 300 AAC Blackout Chambering

Savage has canceled its chambering of the Model 10 Precision Carbine in 300 AAC Blackout.

Different Firing Pin Designs: What They’re Called, How They Work

Everybody knows firing pins detonate primers, but not everyone can define esoteric aspects of these parts.

GunAuction to Watch: Franchi LAW-12 “Evil Assault Shotgun”

Seller “Oregon Guns” has listed a Franchi LAW-12 tactical shotgun for sale in Auction #11139577, pointing out that the model is “permanently banned from importation” and to “make sure to get yourself one of these ‘evil assault shotguns’ while you still can.”

Which Airgun Pellet To Hunt With?

Whenever you hunt with a firearm or airgun, one of the more important items you will need is a suitable round of ammunition for the gun of your choice. In airguns, this translates into a pellet. Three different pellets offered by Umarex USA offer different performance: the RWS Superdome, the RWS Super H-Point, and the RWS Supermag.

How To: Weak-Hand Tactical Shotgun Reloads with Lena Miculek

CTD Shooting Team member Lena Miculek details how to execute weak-hand shotgun reloads in multi-gun competitions using a JM-series Pro Mossberg autoloading shotgun:

GunAuction to Watch: Black Widow AK-47 Tactical Custom

If you’re looking for an AK-47 that’s not a run-of-the-mill item, check out the Shooters Wholesale Black Widow AK47 Tactical Custom being auctioned by “gmsidaho” in Auction #11126834. Chambered in 7.62x39mm, the Black Widow is a hand-crafted custom-built rifle made in the USA.

Excess Headspace in the 1903 and ’03A3 Springfield

GunReports.com shows how to excess headspace in the 1903 and ’03A3 Springfield rifles better than the way Granddad did it. If you have access to a lathe, use this method to correct excess headspace easily, without the need for an expensive chambering reamer.

Colt Adds Two New California Compliant Rifles

Colt Defense LLC is adding two additional models to its current list of five rifles that are compliant with California’s bullet button laws. The new carbines available to shooters in California are the CR6720CA and CR6724CA.

GunAuction to Watch: Winchester Model 97 16 Gauge

The Model 1897 was a slide-action shotgun designed for the new smokeless powder when it was introduced more than a century ago. According to the Winchester Collector website, Winchester made more than 1 million 1897s, with production from 1897 to 1957. Replacing the Model 1893, the 1897 was offered in 12 gauge with a 30-inch barrel until 1899 in solid frame or takedown. The 16 gauge was introduced in 1900. Oregon-based “elkman” has a Winchester Model 97 16 gauge 2 3/4-inch-chamber pump-action shotgun listed for sale in Auction #10999652.

Savage 10MLBSS-II 50 Caliber

Modern inline muzzleloading hunting has been one of the fastest-growing hunting and shooting sports of the last twenty years. It is easy to understand why; the current crop of high-performance 209 shotshell primer–fired inline muzzleloaders from reputable manufacturers offer big-game getting accuracy like never before, with improvements in ignition system, propellant, and projectiles completing the picture. It is easy to understand the appeal, for the better muzzleloaders may provide accuracy, shooting comfort, and low cost per shot as compared to many slug shotgun attempts. Gun Tests Magazine compared premium fifty-caliber hunting tools to see how they stack up in bang for the buck. The test included the Savage 10ML-II Stainless Steel-Laminate Model 10MLBSS–II, $792.

Comparing Gun Checkering Tools

Checkering a stock is an art unto itself, and it requires hands-on experience to learn it. But we can show you some tools to use.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...