Specialty Longguns

Gun Tests Magazine Partners with Auction Arms for Current Pricing Cites

(GunReports.com) -- Gun Tests Magazine, the 23-year-old consumer resource for the serious shooter, will partner with Auction Arms to collect and report up-to-the-minute, accurate firearms pricing.

Army teams with ATK to create new high-tech rifle

The U.S. Army has unleashed a new weapon in Afghanistan — the XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System, a high-tech rifle that can be programmed so that its 25-mm. ammunition detonates either in front of or behind a target.

The Best Christmas Present Ever for M11/9 SMG Owners

(GunReports.com) -- For those GR users who also happen to have machine-gun licenses, here's a fun item for your MAC-11 380 ACP open-bolt submachinegun. Tactical Innovations, Inc., of Bonners Ferry, ID, has an AM15 full-auto upper receiver for the M11/9 SMG that allows you to shoot unmodified .22LR American 180 drums, in either 165 round, 220 round or 275 round capacity on your full auto M11/9 machine gun host receiver.

Working The Rossi Gallery Rifle, from American Gunsmith’s Book of the Rifle

Americans want good looks and cheap prices, and the Rossi Gallery Rifle meets those criteria. Here's how to solve problems related to this low-cost rifle.

McMillan To Build 20 M40A1 Commemoratives

(GunReports.com) -- McMillan is building 20 limited edition M40A1 Commemorative United States Marine Corps sniper rifle packages in honor of the Marine Corps and the legacy of the military sniper. The M40A1 rifles are being built to the exact configuration as those originally issued. McMillan is calling the series Project 8541, the number used to designate Marine Corps snipers.

Savage 110 GXP3 .223 Remington, $449

Whenever we hear the term “package deal” we can’t help feeling this will be synonymous with compromise. At only $449 for rifle and scope, we feared we were in for a disappointment. But the Savage 110 GXP3 was a lesson in how to and where to save money.The walnut stock was pleasingly sculpted and stained to a smooth low-gloss finish that highlighted its grain. Lacking a grip cap and featuring pressed, not cut, checkering, this was still a tasteful piece of woodwork.

Remington 11-87 Sportsman No. 29825 3-inch 20 Gauge

One of the major reasons hunters choose a 20 gauge over a 12 gauge is the former's smaller frame, weight, and recoil. Though they may already own a 12, many field sportsmen wind up reaching for their 20s because the smaller gun is just easier to handle, and there are just a few hunting situations—layback goose hunting and spring turkey hunting, to name two—in which the bigger payload might make a difference.

The Remington Sportsman line has two 12s and three 20s. The 12s come in 26- and 28-inch barrels and weigh 8.1 pounds and 8.25 pounds respectively, compared to the weight of our test 28-inch-barrel gun, about a full pound lighter.

IWI Introduces New Uzi Pro

(GunReports.com) -- Israel Weapon Industries's new UZI PRO Sub Machine Gun (SMG) is a lightweight magazine-fed firearm based on the UZI sub machine gun.The is blowback-operated shoulder- or hip-fired weapon can be fired in automatic or semiautomatic modes.The magazine housing is located in the pistol grip, making magazine replacement in the dark much more simple. It fires from a closed bolt and has an integrated jump compensator on the barrel.

Troubleshooting the H&K MP5

American police and other law-enforcement professionals are employing the H&K MP5 with increasing frequency for potentially or obviously dangerous encounters. It has replaced the shotgun in many patrol cars, the venerable lever action in prison guard towers, and is even found in the hands of U.S. Department of Agriculture rangers for varmint and predator control. A sound-suppressed version, the SD model, is sometimes fitted with telescopic sights and used as a short-range rifle to shoot out tires on suspects vehicles prior to a raid.

Ruger Hawkeye Tactical HM77VLEH 308 Win., $1172

Tactical bolt-action rifles are pretty easy to spot. Typically, they utilize a composite stock with pronounced pistol grip, oversize bolt handle and fire from a heavy barrel. The military models are camouflage or earth tone in color, and the law-enforcement models are usually black. Accuracy, strength, and simplicity are key attributes.Can a tactical rifle serve as a hunting rifle? We’re not saying one can’t. It’s just that a tactical rifle typically weighs more than a hunting model. The heavy barrel enhances the ability to maintain accuracy throughout repeat fire and excessive heat.

Lewis Machine and Tool Co. to Build ‘Rifle Integrated Power Rail’ Accessories

(GunReports.com) -- Lewis Machine and Tool Company (LMT) will begin designing and building platforms that can integrate RIPR’s power and data rail into upper weapon platforms, most significantly with the fielded M-4 carbine.

NRA and Pyramyd Air Offers Discount to Disabled Shooters

(GunReports.com) -- The National Rifle Association and Pyramyd Air are partnering up to offer disabled shooters and adaptive sports groups a discount on the Air Arms MPR air rifle. Only available through the NRA, the rifle is now available for the discounted price of $750.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...