Specialty Longguns

GunReports.com Video: The Winchester Model 1895 Lever Action Rifle

John Browning's last lever action design for Winchester made it to production in 1895. In this GunTec presentation Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA, examines a Winchester Model 1895 Lever Action Rifle chambered in 30 Army. The gun used in this production features a 28 inch barrel, 5 round box magazine, straight grip stock, and a crescent buttplate. It has a steel bead front sight and a Lyman adjustable receiver sight. This model was made from 1895 to 1931 with over 400,000 produced.

Cool Gun Watch: Desert Arms Accepting Pre-Orders for the HTI

(GunReports.com) -- One of the cool guns we've been watching is the HTI Sniper Rifle, which is finally in production. HTI stands for Hard Target Interdiction weapon. The HTI sniper rifle is a convertible multi-caliber extreme range Hard Target Interdiction weapon. Caliber options include .50 BMG, .416 Barrett, .408 Cheytac, and .375 Cheytac.

Traditions Introduces New Pursuit Ultralight Muzzleloader

(GunReports.com) --Traditions Performance Firearms' new Pursuit Ultralight weighs in at 5.15 lbs. The Pursuit Ultralight is Traditions’ mid-level break-action gun for hunters and shooters who are looking for a full-featured gun at a fraction of the cost. The 26” barrel comes with Premium CeraKote Finish, a Speed Load System, Williams fiber-optic sights, and the Accelerator Breech Plug.

GunReports.com Video: Midway USA Safety on the Sporting Clays Range

Watch as Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA shows how to safety handle a gun on the sporting clays field. The proper use of eye and ear protection is covered as well as using the correct ammunition. Safe gun handling is emphasized with specific examples unique to the sporting clays field.

Cimarron T.T.N. Model 1878 Coach Gun Side-by-Side 12 Gauge

Both the side-by-side hammer guns and the pump-action hammer guns of old left a distinct mark in history and are now resurfacing in the form of replicas finding favor at shooting competitions across the country. The popularity of the simple and easy-to-handle shotguns is also growing among people interested in home-defense firearms.For a trip back to the past, Gun Tests selected a side-by-side to see if there is any advantage or downside—other than the number of shots—to an Old West style shotgun. The test shotgun was a Cimarron T.T.N. Model 1878 Coach Gun 12 Gauge Side-by-Side carrying a price tag of $480 in the new gun rack at Dury’s Gun Shop in San Antonio.

Crosman Worried about Upcoming Cali Airgun Regs

(GunReports.com) -- Airgun maker Crosman is worried that pending regulations in California may actually increase police/citizen mishaps and accidental shootings. According to a letter from Laura Evans, Marketing Coordinator at Crosman, 'Some of you may already be aware, but the State of California is prepared to vote on a new law that will affect the future of the airgun and airsoft industries. It could also jeopardize the safety of the public and especially, police officers.'

Did the HK416 Fire the Fatal OBL Shot?

(GunReports.com) -- The Soldier Systems blog recently ran through several well-informed guesses on what actual firearm might have fired the fatal shot into the head of OBL, aka UBL. Here's the latest speculation from them, with earlier guesses in [ ]:

NRA Annual Meeting Introduction: Thompson/Center Arms Debuts Pro Hunter FX Muzzleloader

(GunReports.com) – Thompson/Center Arms is expanding one of its most popular lines of muzzleloaders with the introduction of a fixed-barrel version - the Pro Hunter FX. Separating it from the other muzzleloaders in the line, the Pro Hunter FX is standard with a fixed .50 caliber barrel that is not interchangeable with other barrel configurations. Instead, the muzzleloader sports a 26-inch fluted barrel with patented QLA® (Quick Load Accurizer).

NRA Annual Meeting Introduction: Sturm, Ruger Rolls Out SR-556E Carbine

(GunReports.com) -- Ruger has introduced the new Ruger SR-556E, a value-priced derivative of the SR-556 with a two-stage piston and multi-stage regulator. The Ruger SR-556E comes with a new adaptable handguard which provides multiple options for mounting optics and other accessories. This new round handguard features a full-length Picatinny rail at the 12 o'clock position, which aligns with the rail on the flattop receiver.

Pyramyd Air Sponsors Air Gun Range at NRA Annual Meeting

(GunReports.com) -- NRA’s Competitive Shooting Division is hosting the “Pyramyd Air” Air Gun Range during the 2011 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sponsored by Pyramyd Air, the Air Gun Range will be open from April 28 to May 1 in Room 315 of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.

Videos on GunReports.com!

(GunReports.com) -- New GunReports.com Videos: 1: Sig Arms Academy Director of Training and USAR Team shooting coach George Harris talks about competition shooting. What good is competition? Competition puts stress on you and teaches you how to use stress to your advantage. 2: NSSF's Ryan Cleckner explains the measurement term 'minute of angle' (MOA) and how to use MOA adjustments on your scope for sighting in and to compensate for bullet drop at varying distances. 3: Ruger's Beginner's Guide to Shooting Competitions series takes you through a variety of matches to help you find an event that's right for you. In this episode we take a close look at the biathlon rifle and how it is specialized to this specific sport. US Ski Team member Annelies Cook tells you why the biathlon rifle is so very different than anything else on the market.

Repairing The Trapdoor Springfield Carbine

Getting parts is easy, but give a quick course in reloading cartridges for the gun—modern loads are dangerous and shouldn’t be used. From American Gunsmith's Book of the Rifle.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...