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Long-Barreled .22 Revolvers: Ruger, Smith & Wesson, and Dan Wesson

Ruger's New Model Single Six Convertible is a bargain, and the Smith & Wesson 617 will help you rule the plate racks. The seemingly solid Dan Wesson 722 VH10 disappoints.

Ruger 10/22 Upgrades: More Money Means More Accuracy

We tested four variants of the Ruger 10/22 rifle from Magnum Research, Clark's, Briley, and even the Sturm, Ruger factory and found four different ways to make one hole.

Surplus Rifles: Buy One, Think About Another, Pass On Two

Want to hold a piece of history in your hands for not a lot of money? First, check out our buy/don't buy recommendations on two 7.62 NATO guns, an 8mm Mauser, and a .303 British Enfield.

.270 Winchester Bolt Actions: A Lot of Bang For Your Bucks

When we tested three inexpensive hunting rifles suitable for a range of big-game field use, we were pleasantly surprised at their accuracy and functionality.

Lightweight AR-15 Carbines: Is One Of These Right For You?

We liked the spirit of the Spirit Light-Weight, and mastered the Bushmaster Shorty, but at more than $2,300, the Wilson UT-15 Urban Tactical simply cost too much for us to recommend.

Trim .308 Hunting Carbines: We Pick Brownings A-Bolt II Stalker

For serious big-game pursuits, the fit and functionality of Browning's easy-to-carry rifle outdid the Remington Model Seven SS and Ruger M77RL MKII models, in our opinion.

Mosin-Nagant Model 1944 Carbines: How To Spot A Bargain

Can you get a decent, shootable rifle for $100 or less? Yes, if you use our tips to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Long-Range .300 WM Deer Rifles: Savages 110FP Is A Best Buy

If market trends are any indication, interest in long-range deer rifles has been growing in recent years. At least half a dozen of these products—essentially varmint rifles that are chambered for bigger calibers—are available now in production guns.

Previously, these products, which are designed to be used from a fixed position while hunting from some sort of stand, were available only as custom items for hunters who planned to use them for hunting beanfields in the southeastern United States, Texas's senderos, the western prairies of the U.S. and Canada, and powerline rights-of-way in the East.

This kind of hunting requires a flat-shooting, hard-hitting caliber in a rifle capable of superb accuracy under field conditions. Such rifles must be extremely accurate, incorporate a good trigger, and employ a properly designed stock.

At least three rifles purported to have these qualifications include the Winchester Model 70 Classic Laredo equipped with a BOSS, the Remington Model 700 Sendero SF (Stainless Fluted), and the Savage 110FP Tactical Rifle. We decided to test this trio head to head to see which one is worth your hard-earned dollars. All three rifles were chambered in .300 Winchester Magnum, one of the best long-range cartridges available in these rifles.

.45 LC Lever-Action Guns: Saddle Up With Cabelas, Cimarron

Cabela's gorgeous Henry and Cimarron's 1873 are cowboy-ready, but not so Winchester's 94AE—still, the latter does have its uses.

High-Quality Rimfire Sporters: T/Cs New Autoloader A Best Buy

The $335 Thompson/Center 22 Classic is accurate, lightweight, and good looking—and much more affordable than the $950 Kimber Classic and $874 Sako Finnfire bolt guns.

Selecting a Sharps: Shilohs Pricey Single Shot is Our Pick

However, Cabela's or Cimarron's less expensive versions of the 1874 Sharps will do until your $1,700 Shiloh Hartford Model arrives in a couple of years.

Picking a Heavy-Barrel .243: Electronic Or Conventional?

Yep, Remington's $1,999 EtronX works, and it's a clever idea packaged in a very accurate rifle. But you still might prefer the classic Ruger Varmint.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...