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Wilson Combat Announces T.R.I.M. — Tactical Rail Interface

Wilson Combat has introduced the T.R.I.M. AR-10-D (Tactical Rail Interface, Modular) AR-10 rail, which the company touts as the lightest, strongest and most versatile compact free-floating rail systems on the market. It’s available in 12-inch ($350) and 14-inch ($360) sizes. It is designed for AR-10 pattern rifles and clones with 1-7/16-18 inch threaded receivers, such as the DPMS/SR-25.

Camp Perry’s NRA Smallbore leg temporarily moving from Ohio to Indiana

If you've been hearing mumblings about changes to the NRA National Smallbore Rifle Championships, both Position and Prone, look no further. NRA says the championships are being moved from Camp Perry, Ohio to Bristol, Indiana for 2014 and 2015.

Two Pieces of Firearms History: Sterling, Pioneer Arms Compete

We acquired two historical and technically interesting firearms for this test. The guns were the 9mm Wise Lite Arms Sterling L2A3 9mm, about $500, and the Inter Ordnance/Pioneer Arms PPS-43C Pistol chambered in 7.62x25 Tokarev, also in the $500 range. The latter is officially a pistol because its folding stock is welded in the folded position. We found the folding stocks do nothing for their handling or practical function, but in close quarters that might be a handy feature. Both designs originally fired from an open bolt, and the Sterling was originally selective fire. These two test guns are both manufactured to fire semiauto-only, and they both fire from a closed bolt. We managed to find three types of 9mm ammo and two brands of 7.62x25 Tokarev, enough to wring out both guns. Here's what we found.

Upgrading the Ruger Mini-14 the Brownells Way, Part I and Part II

Brownells makes it very easy for any shooter, experienced or not, to convert his Ruger Mini-14 into a tricked-out rifle that meets your exacting wants and needs. The first step in this customization process is to determine what I am going to use the rifle for. Foremost, I wanted this rifle for varmint hunting, particularly night-time hunting. My secondary use is for self-defense purposes at home.

MechTech Systems Carbine Conversion Unit for Glock 9mm

This neat unit gives excellent performance. It is a good option for the Glock fan wishing to dedicate one of his pistols to the carbine concept. Commonality of trigger action is a strong point, as well as commonality with magazines. On the basis of affordability, it is a good choice, if you already have the Glock pistol on hand.

B&C Records: Whitetail, Sheep, Grizzly Entries on the Rise

Trophy-class specimens of whitetail deer, Stone's sheep, Dall's sheep, desert sheep and grizzly bears are becoming more common afield, based on newly compiled records by the Boone and Crockett Club. However, trophy records are declining for caribou.

Production Ending On Arsenal’s SLR-106 Series

After nearly a decade since its initial introduction into the firearms marketplace, production on Arsenal’s SLR-106 series has officially ended.

Uberti Announces Silverboy 22 Magnum Lever-Action

Uberti introduced a new caliber for the Silverboy small-bore lever-action rifle at NRAAM. The 22 Magnum Silverboy lever action uses a unique cartridge-control mechanism inside the action so that the gun can be fired and cycled while held at any angle, even when upside down.

T/C Arms Dimension Wins NRA Golden Bullseye

The Thompson/Center Arms Dimension Bolt-Action Platform has received the Golden Bullseye Award for “Rifle of the Year” from American Hunter magazine, published by the National Rifle Association. This year’s nomination marks the fourth time Thompson/Center Arms has received the prestigious award in the rifle category with past winners including the Encore Pro Hunter, ICON and Venture rifles.

Gun Tests May Rifle Preview: CIA WASR-10 vs. SIG Sauer 556R

Gun Tests’ Houston-based test team takes a detailed look at two very different AK-compatible rifles in the May 2013 issue of the magazine. Contributing Editor John Taylor, more widely known as JT, and the magazine’s Houston test team examined the WASR-10 imported by Century International Arms and the 556 Russian (556R) made by SIG Sauer.

Civilian Ownership of Suppressors & Silencers: Steps in the Process

Silencers, like machine-guns, are regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934, and are regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. The procedure for owning a silencer may seem daunting at first, but actually requires less paperwork than buying an automobile.

Making Homemade Barrel Adapters

Take a moment before hauling that trash to the dumpster—you may find something useful, such as .22 barrels.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...